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Galnet: Specialists Respond to Latest Findings

Galnet News posted the following article regarding recent events:

Professor Ishmael Palin, leading authority on xeno-biological research, has commented on the discovery of functional technology at the Thargoid structures.

The Thargoid Question: Part 1 “Discovery”

As many of you saw in the live stream the last 72 hours have been quite dense with information, discoveries and surprises concerning the recent alien finds. From the distress…

New Megaship found – the Cete

Cmdr Synjorai discovered Professor Melville’s megaship named Cete in Col 173 Sector LJ-F C12-0 around Planet A 3. The ship logs tell a strange tale of suspicion, madness and attempted mutiny. Following the megaship…

Dr Arcanonn Responds to Thargoid Revelation

Doctor Arcanonn of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group has issued a statement from the Gnosis concerning the recent discovery that the so-called Unknown Ships are in fact of Thargoid origin.…

The Return

Following the short-running Professor Palin CG to gather Unknown Wake Data leading to the discovery of an apparent battle between Unknown Ships and Federation assets at HIP 17044, a global message was…
Unknown Ship and Barnacle

Unknown Ship sightings above Barnacles!

Canonn Faction News bring you emerging news about Unknown Ships appearing above and appearing to interact with Barnacles in a way that shuts down nearby ships and SRVs and seems…