Can you believe, it is now two years since the first confirmed Unidentified Artefact sighting and capture! As a reminder, here are a couple of links from the now legendary…
Canonn Faction News brings you footage taken shortly after Commanders Delmonte, Starbeaver and Hugo Ross from the Canonn Council discovered a distress beacon in Maia containing an assortment of ships…
Another Generation Ship has been discovered, the Odysseus. Found by Cmdr DarkShadowLYNX and situated in Ross 859 in a relatively low orbit around body B1. All occupants are reported to…
Another type of megaship has been found by Frontier forum member 274 Below, which is currently orbiting Pohnpet 2 A. 274 Below comments on its size and considerable cargo space,…
Canonn R&D have conceived and delivered the interactive tool code named “Bifrost” to assist in the Guardians Ruins mystery. Bifrost allows you to easily visualise and catalogue the many configurations of…
CMDRs Lexic Maise and EfilOne have found the first Generation Ship – name Lycaon. It can be found by following these steps: 1. Go to planet 10 of the Alaunus…
Canonn Faction News published the following report on 11th April 3303, bringing you news of the new Holo-Me facility, BGS updates, Council activity increases, and changes coming at CFN.
August 3302 The Galactic Intern joined the Canonn for a second edition for the latest about the Unknown Probes – including some interesting science around earth.
Tourist and Visitor Beacons
Background Lore Index
Eagle Eye Installations
Megaship Flight Operations
Surface Sites
Orbital Installations
Generation Ships
Imperial Navy Fleet
Federal Navy Fleet