Sandra’s Workshop 3310

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Sandra’s Workshop 3310


On 20 DEC 3310, a Galnet was released requesting help with parcel deliveries, by CEO of leading children’s toy manufacturer Sandra’s Workshop, Sandra Corrs.

Note: You will need either a Small or Medium sized ship, ideally with at least 6 or more cargo space.


Sandra’s Workshop Asks for Festive Gift Couriers
20 DEC 3310

The CEO of leading children’s toy manufacturer Sandra’s Workshop has requested help with parcel deliveries.

Sandra Corrs, the much-loved philanthropist who provides gifts to children across the core systems each year, made a similar request two years ago. Then, with the Thargoid invasion just beginning, her courier fleet was loaned out to help refugee evacuation efforts.

This year a different problem has emerged just as the Thargoid Invasion appears to be over, as Sandra explained to Vox Galactica:

“Our Dolph’s Routes transport fleet has been upgraded and fitted to increase delivery capacity. Or, as we like to say in the workshop: ‘ferry even more joy’, haha! But we’ve discovered a rather irksome snag: with so many little boys and girls displaced by the nasty alien invasion, it’s going to be a challenge finding them all!”

“Even our fleet won’t be able to deliver all our presents on time, given the extra work needed to track down their proper delivery points. We’ll need to rely on kind-hearted pilots to volunteer their time and ensure we can brighten the smiles on every child on our list.”

Pilots willing to help Sandra’s Workshop can collect festive gifts from the Frost Dock outpost in the Njambalba system. The outpost can only provide landing pads for small- and medium-sized vessels. A beacon outside Frost Dock holds delivery information which can be acquired via scan.

Upon visiting the Njambalba system and docking at the Frost Dock outpost, you will be greeted with an Inbox message, and just under 9.5 km away there is a Listening Post named “Sandra’s Postbox” which contains letters from the children requesting gifts.

While you are docked, make sure to purchase some “Festive Gifts” which is a rare commodity available at the outpost.

You will need to purchase at least 6 Festive Gifts, as you will need to sell 1 Festive Gift to each station (listed below) to complete the event.

Inbox Message

Season’s greetings!

Thank you for visiting Frost Dock, Commander. It’s such a busy time of year here, and we’re in need of your help.

Outside this station is a beacon containing letters from children all across the bubble. I’m eager to ensure we deliver gifts to as many as we can, but our usual delivery team at Dolph’s Routes is helping transport refugees from the awful Thargoid war. Even Nicolas St Clauss is at full capacity this year!

If you haven’t already, scan the beacon to obtain a selection of letters. You’ll have to figure out where the sender lives from the message text – it can sometimes be confusing.

Don’t forget to collect Festive Gifts from the commodity market at Frost Dock first – I’ll make sure the appropriate gifts are included. For your help, I’ve arranged for a selection of fine festive rewards with each confirmed delivery.

Have a wonderful holiday season!

Message 1/6

Kami Loons, Age 9

Dear Mrs Sandra

I would like a telescope to look out of my window with. My goldfish Sunshine has gone missing and mommy says that it is swimming in the New Turkey ocean and is very happy. But my friend Tommy says that isn’t true and my goldfish has gone down the toilet. I can’t find Sunshine in my toilet so I need a telescope to look at New Turkey. It has to be a very good telescope because oceans are very big.

Thank you!’

Searching for New Turkey will only show a single result, which is present in the in the LHS 1387 system. Upon entering the system, it will be discovered that New Turkey is an Earth Like World and while Sunshine is the name of the pet goldfish, it is also part of the name of the nearby station, Angel’s Sunshine, which orbits around the moon of New Turkey.

Reward 1/6

Upon delivery of the Festive Gifts, you will receive an inbox message with the following:

Angel’s Sunshine gift received!

Many thanks, Commander. Your reward for making this delivery is:

– Type-9 Snowfall Cracker
– Festive Firework Launcher (Red)

Message 2/6

Mia Gilford, Age 7

‘Hallo Sandra

Please can you send me a joke book to give to daddy. Whenever I say the name of our home he says ‘but where is high city’ and laughs lots even tho it is not funny. Some new jokes will make daddy cool again. We live in a Ocellus which I learned at school today hope this helps’

Ha! Dad Jokes! With the opposite of “High” being “Low”, Low City is most likely the name of the child’s home.

Searching for “Low City” in the galaxy map gives us 3 possible results, however only one of these is also an Ocellus starport, which happens to be located within the HR 1980 system, and upon entering the system Low City can be found orbiting body 8.

Reward 2/6

Upon delivery of the Festive Gifts, you will receive an inbox message with the following:

Low City gift received!

Many thanks, Commander. Your reward for making this delivery is:

– Krait Phantom Snowfall Cracker
– Festive Firework Launcher (Yellow)

Message 3/6

Lu Huan, Age 10

‘Hi Sandra,

If it isn’t too much trouble I would like a singing lesson program for our VR suite. My favourite ICE-Caster has started hosting a cappella music events on Sundays and I’d love to be able to sing well enough to join in!

Fun fact about my address: Did you know there are 9 planets named Gold? I live in orbit around one of them!

Thank you so much!’

Searching the Galaxy Map for a body named Gold will show that there are indeed 9 results, one of those being within the Capella system, and upon entering the system the Darkesport station can be found orbiting Gold (body 6 b).

Reward 3/6

Upon delivery of the Festive Gifts, you will receive an inbox message with the following:

Darkesport gift received!

Many thanks. Commander. Your reward for making this delivery is:

– Diamondback Explorer Snowfall Cracker
– Festive Firework Launcher (Green)

Message 4/6

George Lewis, Age 9

‘I would like you to tell me if l can have a starport for my present. Most starports have two word names but whenever I ask Mom why our starport has a one word name she says it’s because I’m Sam’s son. I don’t know what this means as I don’t know Sam I only know Mom and Dad

Maybe I own the starport if they named it one word because of me but Mom won’t tell because she won’t be able to tell me when to go to bed or brush my teeth or anything if l do. Please let me know and happy holidays’

If we change “Sam’s Son” to “Samson” and then search for Samson via the Galaxy Map, only a single result will appear – which is within the Munfayl system, and upon entering the system, Samson station can be found orbiting More (body 1).

Reward 4/6

Upon delivery of the Festive Gifts, you will receive an inbox message with the following:

Samson gift received!

Many thanks, Commander. Your reward for making this delivery is:

– Anaconda Snowfall Cracker
– Festive Gifts Ornament

Message 5/6

Lee Johnston, Age 9

‘Dear Sandra,

I really like the song that our ship plays when we’re landing. I asked my brother what it was and he told me it was called Blue Danube and our nearby planet was named after the person who made it. I guess he was very famous because the Blue Danube is very old.

Please send me an orchestra so I can make music like Blue Danube. Thank you.‘

Blue Danube was composed by Johann Strauss II, and searching the Galaxy Map for a body named Strauss will return a single result in the Fomalhaut system.

Upon entering the system the Dickensport station can be found orbiting Strauss, however, this is not the correct station to dock at.

There is an additional clue in the message which will help us, the child’s name “Lee Johnston”, which then leads us to the correct station, Fort Lee.

Reward 5/6

Upon delivery of the Festive Gifts, you will receive an inbox message with the following:

Fort Lee gift received!

Many thanks, Commander. Your reward for making this delivery is:

– Festive Jumper Elite

Message 6/6

Winnie Clark, Age 7


Today in school we learned about a person from very long ago that our starport is named after.

He had very long ears and was very logical (i think that means smart) and he could make people go to sleep by touching them. Apparently people liked him so much that 100s of years later we still know his name. I think he must have been a very good person if that is true.

Please send me the blue outfit he wore so my teacher will think I am logical as well. Thank you Sandra xx’

The clues “long ears”, “very logical”, “make people go to sleep” and “blue outfit” tend to describe a well known character, “Spock”.

Leonard Nimoy was the actor who played Spock and there is a station named after him, Leonard Nimoy Station, which can be found orbiting Vulcan (body 1) in the LHS 3006 system.

Reward 6/6

Upon delivery of the Festive Gifts, you will receive an inbox message with the following:

Leonard Nimoy Station gift received!

Many thanks, Commander. Your reward for making this delivery is:

– 20,000,000 credits

A New Year Reward

Upon completing all 6 deliveries, you’ll received an additional inbox message.

(Note: This message seems to appear when you complete the delivery at Fort Lee, in Fomalhaut.

A New Year Reward
Thank you, Commander!

Your selfless efforts this holiday season have helped us to deliver a wonderful number of presents to children this year.

As a thank you for completing so many deliveries, I’ve deposited 20,000,000 credits into your account. One good turn deserves another, wouldn’t you say?

I wish you good fortune and joy in the coming year.

Thanks to Disgo, Cyanidex, Namix, SxyArmageddon, Grimscrub for their work in solving this event.

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