Valkyrie Crash Site

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  7. Valkyrie Crash Site

The Valkyrie is a crashed Anaconda that can be found in the Trianguli Sector GW-W b1-0 system, on body 1 a, at -12.2748, 24.6996.

The ship went missing on 24/03/3307 whilst investigating the NMLA.

At the time, Galnet was released requesting any nearby commanders to help with the search for the missing ship.

ACT Requests Help to Locate Missing Agent

25 MAR 3307

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Assistance is needed to track down an ACT operative who vanished while on a mission to identify NMLA suppliers.

The missing agent is Captain Niamh Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service, one of the joint leaders of the anti-NMLA intelligence unit. She was following up on clues resulting from analysis of the ‘Nine Martyrs’ starport bombings.

Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez, a co-leader of ACT, gave this statement:

“Captain Seutonia and her team were travelling on an Anaconda-class vessel named the Valkyrie. Mission details are scarce as information was compartmentalised for security, but she was investigating a minor faction that may be supplying the NMLA.”

“We know that her ship left the Mudhrid system on the 24th of March, on a heading toward the Marlinist Colonies. Captain Castile of the Marlinist Constabulary, on secondment to ACT, arranged a rendezvous that she never reached. So we know the Valkyrie went missing somewhere inbetween.”

“All Commanders in the region are asked to join the search for Captain Seutonia’s ship. Our fervent hope is that we find its crew alive, and that they managed to obtain data to help us defeat the NMLA.”

25 MAR 3307 – ACT Requests Help to Locate Missing Agent

During the search, the crash site of the Valkyrie was discovered by CMDR TheRealFlame on the 25/03/3307.

The Crash Site contains 3 cargo containers which can be shot for a few raw materials, and a single log which can be obtained by scanning the Ship Data Core:

Voice transcript log: Captain Niamh Seutonia
Timestamp: 22/03/3307 15:38

After analysing traffic reports from the nine attacked stations, I think I’ve correlated a pattern. I traced the flight plans of all recent ships and there are nine cargo vessels – one at each starport – that passed through the Mudhrid system on the same date a week before. That can’t be coincidence!

I’m taking the Valkyrie and a small team to see what we can find.

Timestamp: 23/03/3307 12:56

We’re at Payne-Scott City. Local IISS are already monitoring one of the smaller factions here: the Order of Mudhrid. Its leader, the Landgrave Delacroix, has expressed support for replacing the Duvals with new rulers.

My theory is that the NMLA were using Mudhrid as a staging post for the bombings. There are Imperial, Federal and independent factions in this system. So maybe they had agents within them, arranging cargo transports into each superpower’s space.

Timestamp: 23/03/3307 23:33

We’ve raided a cell of NMLA activists being hidden by the Order of Mudhrid. Captured data confirms that the Landgrave is gathering Neo-Marlinists to his megaship, the Steel Majesty.

But that’s not the real prize. Theta Group itself are here! Have we got a chance to take out the NMLA’s bomb-makers?

Timestamp: 24/03/3307 07:01

We’re back on the Valkyrie. We managed to identify Theta Group’s ship before it jumped into hyperspace, and are currently in hot pursuit.

It looks like they’re heading toward the Marlinist Colonies. I’ve made contact with Captain Castile, who’s en route to intercept them.

Still… I’m starting to wonder about the veracity of this info. Are Theta Group really on that ship, or is it bait? I’m duplicating all our data and logs into the flight computer core as a precaution. But I hope this will be an early victory for us.

Following the discovery of the crash site, a second Galnet was released to confirm the discovery of the ill fated ship – Crashed Ship of Missing ACT Agent Located

[1] Galnet: Crashed Ship of Missing ACT Agent Located
[2] Galnet: ACT Requests Help to Locate Missing Agent

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