Thargoid Ship

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Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 Distress Call

A “Distress Call” signal source may be found in orbit of Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 6. The source of the distress call is the wreckage of a large Federal Navy fleet…

Crashed Thargoid Ship #3

The third Crashed Thargoid Ship can be found on HIP 17403 body A 4 a, located at -7.3362, -6.2770 (in Live/4.0) or at -35.0120, -141.3890 (in Legacy/3.8). It was discovered…

Crashed Thargoid Ship #2

The second Crashed Thargoid Ship can be found on HIP 17862 body 6 c a, located at 30.3456, -98.5880 (in Live/4.0 and Legacy/3.8). The Thargoid Ship at this crash site impacted…