Archaeology & History

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Memorial: CMDR Cygnull

Located in the NLTT 52560 system, orbiting body A 4, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Cygnull can be found.

Wolfblood Memorial

Located in the Jok Odudu system, orbiting body A 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Wolfblood22 can be found.

Memorial: CMDR Tony Voller

Located in the Shana Bei system, orbiting body 6, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Tony Voller can be found.

Memorial: CMDR Brutal Deluxe

Located in the Oochorrs YB-K c25-2 system, orbiting body BC 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Brutal Deluxe can be found.

The Artificers Clan

Note that the following information is from the Elite: Dangerous Horizon’s Beta. The information contained within is not currently available in the Live or Legacy versions of Elite: Dangerous Horizons…

The Phagos Clan

Note that the following information is from the Elite: Dangerous Horizon’s Beta. The information contained within is not currently available in the Live or Legacy versions of Elite: Dangerous Horizons…

Unclassified Relics

Unclassified Relics, also sometimes referred to by the community as Green Relics or Grelics, are a variation of Guardian Relics first discovered after the failure of the Proteus Wave in…

The Landscape Signal

The Landscape signal is an audio signal that can be heard when pointing in the general direction of Sagittarius A* from the bubble. It gets its name from a distinctive…

Memorial: Pollox D568

Located in the Pollux system, orbiting body 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Tony Pox can be found.
