Lab 69 Xeno Intelligence Agency
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- Lab 69 Xeno Intelligence Agency
We are working closely with the Anti Xeno Initiative (A.X.I.) for the benefit of all human kind.
Department Heads: Maligno, Starbeaver, Huros
Anti-Xeno Initiative (A.X.I.)
Anti-Xeno Initiative (A.X.I)
Statement from Gluttony Fang, A.X.I. Founder and Overseer:
The Anti-Xeno Initiative is a joint platform for pilots of all backgrounds to come together to combat the current and impending threat of aliens. It does not matter what career you led before you come to us. Cargo runner, star explorer, mercenary, smuggler, or pirate, all walks of life are welcome as long as we unite under the banner in defence of humanity and its survival.
Both educational materials and highly coordinated strikes are made available for those that join us. Perhaps the Xeno has not come for you and your system yet, maybe they have not made it to your home today. However, be assured that if you take no action, there will be no one left to defend you, nor anyone else when they are at your doorstep.
Join us today to blast out of the darkness that enshrouds us. Glory, to mankind.
AXI Discord:
Chieftain vs Hydra & Triple Basilisk
Eagle Eye Week 28 & Gnosis Status Report – 14/09/3304
Eagle Eye Week 28 & Gnosis Status Report – 14/09/3304
Gnosis Jump Fails
We’re stranded. The frame shift drive is out, multiple systems have failed. We’re not going anywhere for a while. When the Hydras hyperdicted us, we could barely keep the ship in one piece, let alone get ourselves further out to safety.
Special Eagle Eye Report Week 26 – 01/09/3304
Special Eagle Eye Report Week 26 – 01/09/3304. Gnosis targeted.
Notes from an emergency hearing of the Canonn Council.
Eagle Eye Report Week 24 – 16/08/3304
Eagle Eye Report Week 24 – 16/08/3304 – Targets: Pemepatung and LP 102-320
Advanced Tutorial – Interceptors
CMDR Shwinky of AXI presents an excellent tutorial of Advanced tactics against Thargoid Interceptors
AXI Anaconda Repair Limpet Build
AXI Anaconda Build
AXI Corvette Repair Limpet Build
AXI Corvette Build
A ship build for the Federal Corvette approved by A.X.I. detailing ship load out and engineering modifications.
AXI Alliance Chieftain Build
AXI Alliance Chieftain Repair Limpet build
AXI FAS Repair Limpet Build
A ship build for the Federal Assault Ship approved by A.X.I. detailing ship load out and engineering modifications
A ship build for the Federal Drop Ship approved by A.X.I. detailing ship load out and engineering modifications.
A ship build for the Federal Gun Ship approved by A.X.I. detailing ship load out and engineering modifications.
Please note that we are only currently able to display the last values for Current Targets, due to a full redesign of both the underlying data and the mechanism at play (Incursions). This section will be replaced once this is finalised.
How to use the EDMC Thargoid Encounter USS Survey plugin
EDMC Installation Instructions
1. For PC users, first you will need to download and install the Elite Dangerous Market Connector.
2. Then download the USS survey plugin and unzip it in the EDMC plugin folder.
As well as automatically logging USS and Hyperdictions it will also allow you to click through to the manual forms with some of the details pre-filled, and all Thargoid kills will be logged and included in the statistics.
EDMC use is only possible on PC, so if you are using Xbox or PS4 you will need to use the reporting forms.
Advice for Scientists
- Always carry a Xeno Scanner. You may gather new data, and it will make the identification of the signal a lot easier.
- Always take a screenshot of the Thargoid Vessel AND its marking from your contacts screen or your HUD. This will be especially important if you find a new one.
- Any observation of new behaviour will be very welcome. Also note any tests you carry out and the result.
Tactical Intel