Geology & Surface Organics

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The Geology & Surface Organics department’s primary focus is to catalogue lifeforms and plantlife keeping an open mind to how and where they develop and to record and study geological formations found naturally on other worlds. By careful measurement and study we advance further in understanding our natural universe.

For a chronological view of events and discoveries, visit the Canonn Timeline in the Lore pages.

Department Heads: Panpiper, MadRaptor

An Odyssean Chaparral. Image: ‘Field of Surreal Wonders’ courtesy of Cmdr. Claudius Aetius. Used with permission.

Odyssey Family

An Odyssean Chaparral. Image: ‘Field of Surreal Wonders’ courtesy of Cmdr. Claudius Aetius. Used with permission. Disclaimer All count and percentage figures in these entries and any extrapolation therefrom and subsequent speculations are from the Google Sheets recorded data to 30th September 3310. These data are not without quality issues and whilst efforts have been…


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A particularly fine example of Aleoida Laminiae – Emerald. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Extremely hardy photosynthetic organisms that thrive in arid environments. Thick, waxy leaf structures protect them from extreme surroundings, when gaseous exchange becomes unfavourable. The leaves can completely shut off the organism from the atmosphere causing a state of hibernation. The…


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Bacterium Nebulus – Cyan. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Markus Mathieson True unicellular extremophiles capable of living in the full spectrum of temperatures, chemical soups and atmospheres. They form a kaleidoscopic range of patterns and colours based on their method of metabolism. They derive energy from photosynthetic, chemosynthetic or thermosynthetic processes.Bacteria consistently demonstrate a preference for…


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A proud specimen of Cactoida Cortexum – Teal. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Photosynthetic organisms that have adapted to extreme conditions by reducing their surface area to volume ratio, thereby protecting more sensitive tissues from exposure. The outer layer is formed from specialised light-transmitting cells. These are filled with an insulating hydrophobic layer, which…


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A mature Clypeus Margaritus – Mauve. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Darwin Extremophile organisms that have evolved to create hard shield structures, primarily to protect against stellar radiation. They also collect and condense traces of liquid material in the atmosphere, allowing the organisms to flourish in extremely arid environments. The shields are typically synthesised from surrounding…


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A dusty profusion of  Concha Renibus – Peach. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Eahlstan Fiskerne Highly specialised complex extremophiles that have developed protective and sturdy motile shell structures. These open and close based on the suitability of the current environmental conditions. The shells are an organic structure with an excreted inorganic insulated and sometimes reflective casing…


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Exobiological lighthouses. Electricae Radialem – Magenta. Image courtesy of Cmdr. <Unknown> Organisms found exclusively on extremely cold ice worlds in the vicinity of frozen lakes. The visible tips can be observed protruding from the ice, often near fissures where it is thinnest. The bulk of the organisms extend down through the ice into subsurface melt…


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A frozen field of Fonticulua Upupam – Emerald. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Photosynthetic colony organisms found exclusively on ice worlds, where they have embraced the surrounding frozen material as a form of protection. As the Fonticulua develop they melt ice from around them, absorbing the liquid through tiny cellular pores and passing it…


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Sunlit Shrubs. Frutexa Metallicum – Grey. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Robust woody plants with deep rooting structures to gather liquids and hold themselves in place where the ground may be unstable. They are photosynthetic organisms with specialised photoreceptors that work even in low light conditions. As such they are highly successful, and are…


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Mellow Yellow. Fumerola Extremus – Lime. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Extremophile organisms located in regions with active fumaroles. Their metabolism is driven exclusively through chemosynthetic and thermosynthetic mechanisms based on nearby volcanic activity. Proximity to volcanic heat allows them to survive in environments where the ambient temperature is naturally too cold for them.…