Located in the Heart Sector EB-X c1-12 system, orbiting body 7, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Alexander McKinnon can be found.
Founded in April 3301 by the eponymous Dr Arcanonn, Canonn Interstellar Research (also referred to simply as The Canonn) is the largest and most active scientific community throughout the Bubble. It all started with the emergence of the now infamous ‘Unknown Artefacts’ – a mystery (or is it a conspiracy?) that continues to dominate the Elite Dangerous universe.
Operating out of Thompson Dock, Varati, our extreme focus and diligence can be attributed to our diet of biscuits, whisky and a penchant for wearing tin foil hats. We take our Science seriously, but we do it without covering ourselves in chalkdust.
Our never-ending mission is not just to uncover the truth about these Unknown Artefacts, but all mysteries throughout the galaxy.
Dr Arcanonn is now helped by the Council who, in turn, only exist because of the members – those brave tinfoil-hat wearers who tirelessly sought the unknown artefacts in those dangerous early days; and who now continue to find exciting science to do, day after day after day after day after day.
Latest News
Aegis Statement 3309
A Listening Post named “Aegis Statement 3309” can be found in the Luyten’s Star system, orbiting body 3.
Charles Memorial
Located in the Sadr Region Sector PD-S b4-2 system, orbiting body 2, a memorial can be found.
Mirateje Unregistered Comms Beacon
An Unregistered Comms Beacon can be found in the Mirateje system, orbiting body A 6.
HIP 22460: Wreckage Logs
A collection of logs recovered from the wreckage of numerous ships in HIP 22460, following the event of the Proteus Wave being fired, on the 9th August 3308.
Steve Kirby’s Farewell
An Unregistered Comms Beacon can be found in the Dubbuennel system, orbiting body 3 a.
Memorial: CMDR Vaeltava
Located in the LHS 3505 system, orbiting body A 3, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Vaeltava can be found.
Krait Phantom Aerodynamics
Memorial: CMDR Cygnull
Located in the NLTT 52560 system, orbiting body A 4, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Cygnull can be found.
Wolfblood Memorial
Located in the Jok Odudu system, orbiting body A 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Wolfblood22 can be found.
Gnosis Megaship
In what can only be called a resounding show of support from both the community at large and Canonn members, a project to build and commission the first player group owned Asimov class science vessel Gnosis was completed in May 3303.
While the project was expected to take a week to finish and even had 2 extra massive orders laid on top of it beyond the initial 8 stages, the goal was completed in a little under 3 standard days with an estimated 35 million tonnes of goods delivered by roughly 9,400 commanders.
It is suspected this operation was both one of the largest showing of commanders and fastest completing operations since the fabled Imperial Gold Rush run by Denton Patreus in 3302.
The Canonn Council thanks all that took part and helped us with this proud achievement, and has enjoyed bringing the ship and our science to key hotspots around the galaxy. Gnosis location
Canonn in the Media
Educating Ed
Canonn have been featured on Frontier’s Educating Ed live streams four times, bringing the Galactic Intern up to speed on major discoveries each time.