Aegis Statement 3309

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Aegis Statement 3309


A Listening Post named “Aegis Statement 3309” can be found in the Luyten’s Star system, orbiting body 3.

The Listening Post contains 3 voiced logs that were originally broadcast as inbox messages on the 23rd May 3309, which were also mentioned via a related Galnet article: Head of Aegis Makes Public Address

Thanks to CMDR M.V.Coehoorn for letting us know about this Listening Post.


Aegis Statement 3309 1/3
Hello, and welcome to the Aegis public broadcast. My name is Professor Alba Tesreau, and I am truly grateful that you’ve chosen to share your time with me today.

As you are no doubt aware, the tri-superpower initiative Aegis has been officially reinstated. it has two primary objectives: firstly, to increase our understanding of the Thargoid race. Secondly, to develop new technology tor military and research purposes.

Over the years, Aegis has enjoyed plenty of support from across the core systems, which was – and is – greatly appreciated. But the reasons why the Aegis project closed last year should be addressed honestly. Only through recognising the mistakes of the past can we achieve success in the future.

We acknowledge claims of mismanagement towards the end of Aegis’s first era. I regret the lack of clear achievements in recent years, too. Therefore, our bureaucratic departments and approval processes have been streamlined. I have been given assurances that Aegis can act boldly in response to Thargoid threats. Research projects deemed a priority by Aegis staff can begin without waiting for superpower approval.

The new Aegis has established guidelines to limit the reliance on independent pilots. While these selfless individuals have vital roles to play, they should work alongside Aegis rather than for it.

Mistakes were made, and now we must rectify them. Other tragic events were deliberately engineered by outside forces. I have demanded vigilance against those who would undermine the Aegis project a second time.

Overall, Aegis delivered many successes with help from Allied, Federal and imperial experts. Now is the time to prove once again that we can achieve more, together.

Aegis Statement 3309 2/3
Now, where does this leave Aegis in the present day?

I am delighted at the opportunity to work alongside each superpower’s delegation to the Aegis project. The Alliance has provided Deputy Prime Minster Angela Corcoran. The Federation has pledged the expertise of Congressman Tom Gillespie. And we are honoured to have Princess Aisling Duval representing the Empire’s interests.

Our first piece of new technology was delivered soon after Aegis’s return. The caustic sink launcher is available to pilots, extending ship operation time in dangerous areas. Aegis development teams expanded on a theory supplied by Petra Olmanov, and worked quickly with our technicians to establish a successful prototype.

More recently, brave pilots exploring Thargoid Maelstroms have access to a pulse neutraliser. This device provides a method of entering Maelstrom cores, each of which houses a Thargoid Titan. Now we have positively identified the capital ships directing the alien invasion fleets. Aegis can develop ways to disrupt them.

It has always been my belief that Aegis is a science initiative first, and a military research programme second. I admit to having a personal dream of true communication with the Thargoids. But the past few months suggest that the Thargoids are sadly uninterested in opening a dialogue with humanity.

We owe the billions of civilians displaced from their homes a promise to secure their future.

Aegis Statement 3309 3/3
And so, we look to the challenges ahead. What can Aegis provide to ensure victory against the Thargoid invasion fleet?

Well, as mentioned, information on the Thargoid Titan is paramount at this stage. Therefore, we are working closely to modify the xeno scanner designed by Professor Palin. Aegis technicians are seeking ways to adapt this design to provide meaningful data on the Titan. I’m confident we’ll announce further details soon.

Reports of new Thargoid craft – both in space and on planet surfaces – have been verified by our analysts. Thargoid tactics in this invasion are new, such as supercruise interdictions. or the sustained occupation of human systems.

The danger is evolving, and Aegis must focus on anticipating further developments before our forces are caught by surprise.

Finally, to Commanders of the Pilots‘ Federation: on behalf of every single member of the Aegis family, I offer both gratitude and respect. Your commitment and skill in fighting to keep humanity safe from Thargoid aggression means so very much. I cannot overstate your importance in this conflict. Thank you all.

Aegis represents unity in the face of adversity. All three superpowers have pledged to that ideal, and it is together that we will win this conflict. I look forward with determination and hope.


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