Located in the Heart Sector EB-X c1-12 system, orbiting body 7, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Alexander McKinnon can be found.
Charles Memorial
Located in the Sadr Region Sector PD-S b4-2 system, orbiting body 2, a memorial can be found.
Memorial: CMDR Vaeltava
Located in the LHS 3505 system, orbiting body A 3, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Vaeltava can be found.
Memorial: CMDR Cygnull
Located in the NLTT 52560 system, orbiting body A 4, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Cygnull can be found.
Wolfblood Memorial
Located in the Jok Odudu system, orbiting body A 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Wolfblood22 can be found.
Memorial: Family is more than blood
Located in the Wolf 1301 system, orbiting Navia (body 1), a memorial dedicated to CMDR Hirobadger can be found.
Memorial: CMDR Tony Voller
Located in the Shana Bei system, orbiting body 6, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Tony Voller can be found.
Memorial: CMDR Brutal Deluxe
Located in the Oochorrs YB-K c25-2 system, orbiting body BC 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Brutal Deluxe can be found.
Memorial: Pollox D568
Located in the Pollux system, orbiting body 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Tony Pox can be found.