Koli Discii Crashed Ship

Koli Discii Crashed Ship

This Crashed Ship is a crashed Anaconda that has crashed in the Koli Discii system on body C 6 a, at 28.5743, 7.2182 (in Live/4.0 and Legacy/3.8).

The location of this site can be found by following the three nearby listening posts located in:
Chipi / Waikiri / Batar

Note: In 4.0 these Listening Posts currently give the location to Gregorys Rest instead of the Crashed Ship.

The abandoned settlement Gregorys Rest is 2km away on a bearing of 250º (in Legacy/3.8, however it is 3.70Mm’s away in Live/4.0).

From the contents of the wreckage, which includes Brewer Corp and Caine Massey crates as well as a number of cargo canisters:

  • Bertrandite (5x).
  • Beryllium (2x).
  • Gold (1x).
  • Palladium (4x).

The wreckage includes three Cargo Racks that can be scanned, but give no information or data, and shot which gives rare Engineer Materials.

Within the crashed ship itself a Ship Data Core can be scanned for an Intel Package.

Listening Posts

Note: In 3.8 the latitude and longitude appear to be inverted, the star “C” is missing from the appropriate message, additionally, the crash site is a Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda, not a Lakon Type-9 Heavy.

Chipi 1 a

…Distress Beacon Signal XB9-556-A Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (5761696b697269, 4261746172)

Approximate Signal Range: 14-17 LY

This is Lakon T9 Heavy 4653… We’re going down… long:136.1326 …all hands brace for impact….

…Beacon Signal Lost…

[Note for 3.8] Codex displays values for 4.0, it should read: long:28.5777

The listening post identifiers can be interpreted as a series of hexadecimal pairs:

57 61 69 6b 69 72 69

42 61 74 61 72

When interpreted as ASCII, this yields the system names:



Waikiri A

…Distress Beacon Signal XB9-556-B Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (4368697069, 4261746172)

Approximate Signal Range: 64-66 LY

This is Lakon T9 Heavy 4653… We’re going down… lat:-21.5144 …all hands brace for impact…

…Beacon SignaI Interrupted…

[Note for 3.8] Codex displays values for 4.0, it should read: lat:7.2193

The new listening post identifier given in this message, as with the last, can be interpreted as a series of hexadecimal pairs:

43 68 69 70 69

When interpreted as ASCII, yield the system name where the first beacon can be found:


Batar A 1

…Distress Beacon Signal XB9-556-C Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (5761696b697269, 4368697069)

Approximate Signal Range: 28-32 LY

This is Lakon T9 Heavy 4653… We’re going down……6 a …all hands brace for impact…

…Message Corrupted…

As expected, the identifiers in this listening post match those already given by the other two.

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