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Facece 8 Capital Ship Debris

An extremely large debris field can be found in orbit of Facece 8 where a capital ship should be on permanent station. When you arrive, a number of Imperial Navy vessels…

Facece Military Installation

A dual capital ship dock facility is in orbit above the planet Topaz in the Facece system. Both contain Majestic-class Interdictors undergoing repairs, with both show signs of battle damage. Neither ship…

Facece Capital Ship Debris

An extremely large debris field can be found in orbit of Facece where a capital ship should be on permanent station. When you arrive, a number of Imperial Navy vessels are…

Mahon Research Base

As with the nearby Mic Turner Base, this facility on HIP 18077 6 C is administered by the Alliance’s Turner Research Group. Clearly fungal growths are of great interest to the…

Communication Array Delta 69

Communication Array Delta 69 is an abandoned settlement in the Col 285 Sector BG-O d6-93 system on body AB 1 d.

Transmitter VJS-81

Transmitter VJS-81 can be found in the HR 6890 system on body A 1

Transport Lakon Baker Gamma Sierra Heavy

This is an Easter Egg placed in the game, a clue to the distress beacon above the planet was given during a livestream on the Background Simulation (aka BGS) with…

Rawat Depot ++

Rawat Depot is a Large Extraction (Medium Security) surface settlement on Coni A 2. This settlement would be otherwise unremarkable, except for a message hidden in its data banks: SCANNED MESSAGE…

LFT 1748 Scientific Installation

A Scientific Installation is in orbit of LFT 1748 A 2. Contains a Navigation Beacon. The number and type of ships around the area is typical for the system’s primary Navigation…

Earth’s Inheritance Wildlife Reserve

Starship Enterprises corp established the “Earth’s Inheritance” Wildlife Reserve in 3303 in order to bring more commerce and tourists into the system on LP 339-7 4 a. The park features…