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AX Weapon Damage Partitions

1. Introduction There has been recent success in using rigorous mathematical techniques to accurately estimate the damage partitioning of human weapons, such as Plasma Accelerators and Railguns [1].  Information from…

Thargoid Interceptor Shield Analysis

1. Introduction The subject of this article is the accurate estimation of Thargoid Interceptor shield strength.  An initial analysis was carried out to estimate these values and is referenced here…

Weapon Damage Partition Analysis

1. Executive Summary The partition of the different types of damage (i.e. thermal, kinetic, absolute) has been determined for Railguns, Incendiary Multi-Cannons, High Yield Shell Cannons, Overload Munitions Seeker Missiles,…
Heisenberg Supercruise article

Optimal Supercruise Flight Paths

We are privileged to have been asked to host Cmdr Heisenberg6626’s study of the Optimal Supercruise Flight Paths, which examines this key element of space travel in detail

Study of Bark Mound Acoustic Features

Introduction Back Mounds [1] are among a series of organic formations found on airless celestial bodies that have been discovered in the last decade, the others being so-called Brain Trees…

Study of Barnacle Acoustic Features

Introduction Barnacles [1] are among a series of organic formations found on airless celestial bodies that have been discovered in the last decade, the others being so-called Brain Trees [2]…

Statistical Properties of Landable Volcanic Bodies

Introduction In this study we look at the statistical properties of landable volcanic bodies [1]. This was achieved by mining information available in the Elite Dangerous Star Map (EDSM) database…