Demeter-class Cropper

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Demeter-class Cropper

The Demeter-class Cropper is a class of Agricultural Vessel.

The class consists of a long central superstructure with a command module at the front, a rotating dual habitat ring behind it, followed by four rows of three agricultural domes, and a single-engine drive module.

Cargo bay and its defending Turret can be found in direction of travel right by the rotating habitat rings.

Its default Cargo of around 150 tons is Chemicals, Foods, Legal Drugs, Machinery, and Medicines.

The Ship Log Uplink is generally mounted on the drive module.

An Demeter-class Cropper with call-sign MAN-796 can be found for reference at Manktas at all waypoints.

  • Number of Turrets: 1
  • Cargo Bays: 1
  • Total Cargo: ~150t
  • Default Cargo: Chemicals (Pesticides), Foods (Coffee, Tea), Legal Drugs (Beer), Machinery (Water Purifiers), Medicines (Agri-Medicines)
  • Rare Commodity Sub-Types: Chemicals, Machinery

(Revision CMDR goemon, 3rd of May 2022)

Known examples of this class are:

Demeter Class Agricultural Vessel DGL-436 - The Demeter Class Agricultural Vessel designation DGL-436 is expected to be in the following system, based on the last reported flight operations plan: A number of Engineer Materials are scattered nearby, and a number of ships are in the area. A Ship Log Uplink point can be located on the hull. Deploy your ship’s hardpoints...
Destoryed Megaship Demeter Class Agricultural Vessel KSL-878 - The Demeter Class Agricultural Vessel designation KSL-878 was last reported in orbit of the planet Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-57 A 5. The ship is heavily damaged, destroyed by weapons consistent with other Thargoid attacks, leaving green hull scarring and some kind of green gas throughout the area. A Ship Log Uplink point can be located on...
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