Pirate Trader

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Pirate Trader

An Unregistered Comms Beacon can be found in the Unelinte system, orbiting body 4.

The transmission times of this beacon are believed to be on the hour, every 4 hours, with transmissions reported at: 00:00 / 04:00 / 08:00 / 12:00 / 16:00 / 20:00.

The transmitted message is the following:

10 1 3 11 16 15 20
(repeated four times)

Decodes by letter positions to:


This message is the decryption key for an encoded Galnet article in the local Herald:
(Note: this Herald is no longer available – March 3310 / However, an archived image from April 3303 is available – THE UNELINTE HERALD)

25 Oct 3302

***Compromised Carrier Signal***

Charlie Sierra Uniform Charlie November Tango
Tango Juliet Charlie Golf Foxtrot Sierra Foxtrot lndia –
Tango Hotel 4 – 6 – Sierra November Tango Delta
Yankee – Echo November Sierra Bravo Golf Juliet Golf
Sierra Bravo India Juliet Sierra – Echo Oscar Bravo
Quebec Juliet Golf 5 Charlie

The message consists of a series of words that can be interpreted as the NATO phonetic alphabet, yielding the message:


Applying a Keyed Caesar cipher with the key of JACKPOT taken from the beacon yielded the message:


This leads to a “Pirate Trader” signal source in the Crucis Sector OD-S b4-6 system, in orbit of body 5 c. The signal source contains a wanted Type 9, which will initiate an attack without comms.

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