The Church Of The Path

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The Church Of The Path

The Church Of The Path is an abandoned settlement in the Shibboleth system on body 2 e, at -45.8423, 163.2420 (in Live/4.0) or at -11.1673, 148.9354 (in Legacy/3.8).

Found by CMDR Fikus July 3306

The site tells a story about Isla Elmasri which appears to have been started via a crashed Sidewinder at a Crash Site in the Alpha Centauri system on body 2042 L1, at 68.0815, -127.5168 (in Live/4.0) or at 69.2229, -127.2481 (in Legacy/3.8).

Reddit: Crashed Sidewinder found @ Alpha Centauri 2042 L1


Galactic News: Missing Pilot Found

Missing pilot lsla Elmasri was recently found in a crashed Sidewinder by a salvage company based on 2042 L1 in the Alpha Centauri system. Asked about the rescue, a member of the salvage team g commented:

“It was blind luck that we found the ship. We were following latitude 69.2 and then – blam! There it was at ~127.25. If there had been no one aboard it would have been a decent payday. But we’re not pirates, and when we found a survivor we called it in.”

Elmasri was transferred to a medical installation in Barnard’s Star, and is said to be recovering well. The pilot claims to have escaped from a cult called the Disciples of Maarg, which is allegedly based somewhere in the Shibboleth system.

Security forces have advised pilots to avoid the area and report any suspicious activity.

Barnard’s Star – Galnet Herald (No longer available)

While the Crash Site in Alpha Centauri was found before the abandoned settlement in Shibboleth, no logs are able to be recovered from the location.


The settlement has four scannable data links giving text messages. Note: there are two different part 4’s, however, no parts 1 or 5.

We’ve been lied to all this time. No one truly ascends. We toil under false truths and when the time comes these chosen ones. the ones that have given everything. are simply fodder for the slavers. Sold like so much cheap meat. One last contribution to the path. Isn’t it curious that none of the senior brothers have ever ascended. Those that preach and deliver false truths. They remain.

I need to escape; I need to tell people what is happening here. But i fear that some of the senior brothers and
Sisters are suspicious of me. They watch me all the time, Brother Aiden especially. He says we are not worthy to walk the path that our faith is impure. He is always watching.

I fear I will never escape.

Personal Log: Brother Aiden

Some of the acolytes are in need of re-education, I have reasons to doubt their faith and we must set them upon the path. They are not true believers in the path. They bleat like sheep and follow. But they cannot see. Once they have given their all we shall be rid of them.

Elmasri in particular has become the thorn that digs into our flesh. She must be brought back to the path or silenced. Maybe we can accelerate her path to ascension.
Yes, yes. Sister Elmasri will ascend.

Recorded Message:

We the walkers on the path are chosen, we are the truth, we are the righteous, we are the children of the cosmos and we are the ones who shall ascend.

Ascension is the destination and the journey. It is the path that we all walk my brothers and sisters. We must give up our possessions. our riches. our senses over to it. Only then can we truly ascend.

Recorded Message:

Many may attempt to divert us from the path, or reject the truth like Sister Isla. But they shall not steer us back to the
impure. Our route has been plotted and cannot be altered. The non believer may be shown the path and encouraged to walk it. But only we the righteous may truly walk it.

For us ascension is close at hand. Rejoice. For others the path continues until they have fully given themselves over to it’s teachings.

Now drink my brothers and sisters. Rejoice in your transcendence from this plain of existence to the next. We are the children of the cosmos, the walkers of the path we are the ones who shall ascend.

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