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Not quite a croquet lawn! Tussock Virgam – Emerald. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Dr Strange

Robust photosynthetic plants similar in appearance to clump grasses. They have a shallow but complex root structure, which requires a solid surface to produce structural stability. Clumps may form through tillering or wider dispersal through a variety of seeding mechanisms. Some species have adapted cellular structures containing high sugar concentrations to protect against freezing damage.

Variant Determinant: Stellar Class

Stellar Class and Variant


Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content, Rocky or Rocky Ice
Atmosphere: Ammonia, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Sulphur Dioxide or Water
Gravity: Less than 0.29G

Minimum Colonial Separation: 200m


Species NamePercentage of recorded Tussock PopulationVista Genomics Offer Price
Tussock Albata6.91%3,252,500
Tussock Capillum3.31%7,025,800
Tussock Caputus8.06%3,472,400
Tussock Catena5.09%1,766,600
Tussock Cultro17.11%1,766,600
Tussock Divisa6.30%1,766,600
Tussock Ignis13.00%1,849,000
Tussock Pennata2.19%5,853,800
Tussock Pennatis8.16%1,000,000
Tussock Propagito13.11%1,000,000
Tussock Serrati5.01%4,447,100
Tussock Stigmasis0.84%19,010,800
Tussock Triticum2.51%7,774,700
Tussock Ventusa4.27%3,227,700
Tussock Virgam4.12%14,313,700

All data as at 31st December 3310.
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Tussock Albata

Tussock Albata – Lime. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

A Tussock Species characterised by leaves with a distinctive striped pattern that are bisected like a snake’s tongue. Mature versions also sprout smaller leaves which produce spores.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (27%) or Rocky (73%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)172.71177.40176.00180.00
Pressure (atm)0.0161463680.0425172060.0232102640.098564075
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Sagittarius-Carina Arm; Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope but excluding Galactic Centre

Tussock Capillum

Tussock Capillum – Emerald.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Felsen83

This tussock species is a squat cluster of leaves resembling thick matted hair. From the top of these sprout thick pods that carry a number of round beans.

Planetary Body Type: Rocky (5%) or Rocky Ice (95%)
Atmosphere: Argon (87%) or Methane (13%)
Volcanism: Low numbers existing on planets across a spectrum of Volcanic activity. Potentially indicates tolerance rather than preference.

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)80.0094.4384.00128.59
Pressure (atm)0.0009880680.0162159850.0023629490.098500773
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

Tussock Caputus

Tussock Caputus – Yellow.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Darwin

A Tussock Species with leaves that have a thick segmented lower half and a willowy upper half. Mature versions produce separate stalks that carry ovoid organisms clotted with spores.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (29%) or Rocky (71%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)158.67184.82182.00190.00
Pressure (atm)0.0012157880.0604358870.0352562310.098684192
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Sagittarius-Carina Arm; Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope but excluding Galactic Centre

Tussock Catena

Tussock Catena – Sage.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Eahlstan Fiskerne

This Species of Tussock has very thin stalks carrying twin sets of seed sacks along their entire length, resembling links on a chain.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (22%) or Rocky (78%)
Atmosphere: Ammonia
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)152.00165.70168.00176.66
Pressure (atm)0.0009869880.0020264790.0010206750.013386672
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Scutum-Centaurus Arm excluding Galactic Central Regions

Tussock Cultro

Tussock Cultro – Yellow.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Beldum

A Tussock Species with tall sharp reeds reaching about two metres, characterised by narrow markings along their length.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (35%) or Rocky (65%)
Atmosphere: Ammonia
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)57.61166.20165.00187.16
Pressure (atm)0.0009869660.0020287030.0017340790.047130477
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Orion-Cygnus Arm including Odin’s Hold, Empyrean Straits and Galactic Centre

Tussock Divisa

Tussock Divisa – Teal.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

This Tussock Species blends thick segmented lower growths with longer. narrower leaves. Mature versions have pale spores along the upper branches.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (43%) or Rocky (57%)
Atmosphere: Ammonia
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)152.16166.33171.00176.51
Pressure (atm)0.0009871330.002046980.0010506390.013003547
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope but excluding Galactic Centre.

Tussock Ignis

Tussock Ignis – Sage.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

This Tussock Species produces thick intertwined leaves, above which sprout narrow stems crowned with seed pods.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (15%) or Rocky (85%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)150.96165.70167.00187.16
Pressure (atm)0.0011116650.01808140.0080014440.052113717
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Sagittarius-Carina Arm; Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope but excluding Galactic Centre.

Tussock Pennata

Tussock Pennata – Yellow.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

 A Tussock Species that extends large seed pods on thin stems above a cluster of bright leaves.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (6%) or Rocky (94%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)145.72151.52153.00154.00
Pressure (atm)0.0028434110.0058714290.0028434110.011262914
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Sagittarius-Carina Arm; Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope but excluding Galactic Centre.

Tussock Pennatis

Tussock Pennatis – Lime.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

A Tussock Species with feather-shaped growths surrounding a single segmented stem which when mature is crowned with colourful seeds.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (18%) or Rocky (82%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: None

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)146.80174.40181.00195.40
Pressure (atm)0.0029584950.0382133570.0051407050.098690014
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Outer Arm including Empyrean Straits and Galactic Centre

Tussock Propagito

Tussock Propagito – Emerald.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

A Tussock Species that sprouts tapering leaves, with tips covered with colourful seed pods.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (12%) or Rocky (88%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)145.59172.66171.00196.25
Pressure (atm)0.0029248630.0335735590.0049242270.098686236
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Scutum-Centaurus Arm including Odin’s Hold and Galactic Centre

Tussock Serrati

Tussock Serrati – Lime.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo


This Tussock Species sprouts serrated leaves around thick stalks that produce dark seed pods.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (18%) or Rocky (82%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)171.00172.46172.00174.00
Pressure (atm)0.0106757410.0291172510.0143820120.070329631
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Sagittarius-Carina Arm; Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope but excluding Galactic Centre.

Tussock Stigmasis

Tussock Stigmasis – Yellow.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo


This Tussock Species resembles a patch of tough. wiry grasses. Taller stalks carrying disc-shaped seed pods rise above the main organism when mature.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (10%) or Rocky (90%)
Atmosphere: Sulphur Dioxide
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)132.00135.50133.00206.64
Pressure (atm)0.0009869580.0012909110.0009869580.024744836
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

Tussock Triticum

Tussock Triticum – Yellow.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Darwin

A Tussock Species with thin tough leaves marked with dark stripes. From these sprout taller stalks with small leaves, from which seeds are released to the winds.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (41%) or Rocky (59%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)191.00192.93192.00196.74
Pressure (atm)0.0580090270.0806621780.0944453180.098681937
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Sagittarius-Carina Arm; Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope but excluding Galactic Centre.

Tussock Ventusa

Tussock Ventusa – LIme.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

A Tussock Species that blends tough lower stalks with taller willowy reeds, which produce small pale spores.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (10%) or Rocky (90%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)56.47157.70159.00187.16
Pressure (atm)0.0013779050.0099661280.0042207630.047130477
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Sagittarius-Carina Arm; Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope but excluding Galactic Centre.

Tussock Virgam

Tussock Virgam – Sage.  Image courtesy of Cmdr. Texas Terry

A Tussock Species with thin reeds clustered around a central stalk. which is eventually crowned with spores.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (39%) or Rocky (61%)
Atmosphere: Water
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)390.07424.57418.67449.99
Pressure (atm)0.0509313370.0820507960.0737208790.098687884
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

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