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Crashed Thargoid Ship #2

The second Crashed Thargoid Ship can be found on HIP 17862 body 6 c a, located at 30.3456, -98.5880 (in Live/4.0 and Legacy/3.8). The Thargoid Ship at this crash site impacted…

Crashed Thargoid Ship #1

The first Crashed Thargoid Ship to be discovered can be found on Pleiades Sector AB-W b2-4 body 9 a, located at 43.9385, -143.8448 (in Live/4.0) or at -26.3429, 97.7139 (in…

Leucos Crashed Ship

A wrecked Anaconda crashed nose-first into the moon Leucos A 5 a at -36.1280, -45.2436, scattering its cargo behind it. The wreckage, which includes Brewer Corp and Caine Massey crates as…

Orrere Crashed Ship

A wrecked Anaconda crashed nose-first into the moon Orrere 2 b at 43.8214, -173.9800 , scattering its cargo behind it. From the contents of the wreckage, which includes Brewer Corp and Caine…