Flight Operations


The Overlook is a Sanchez-class megaship that has been attack by Thargoids, located in the Permit Locked HIP 22460 system, orbiting body 10 b.You can obtain the HIP 22460 permit…

The Indra

The Flight Operations Megaship “The Indra” was last reported in HIP 27986 orbiting body 9. Previously, it has been was reported in HIP 28128 orbiting body ABC 3, and HR…

Foster Terminal

The Flight Operations Megaship “Foster Terminal” was last reported in orbit of the planet Coeus A 2.

The Midas

The Flight Operations Megaship “The Midas” was last reported in orbit of the planet Zeus 1.

The Gnosis

The ship was constructed by an appeal to the wider community, and provides docking, repair, outfitting, and market services to all. It originally moved on a weekly schedule decided by…

Fisher’s Rest

The Flight Operations Megaship “Fisher’s Rest” was last reported in the Aldebaran system, around the primary star. Fisher’s Rest is named for the actress Carrie Fisher.

The Harmony

The Empyrean Foundation’s Flight Operations Megaship “The Harmony” was last reported in orbit of the planet Yum Kamcabi A 11.