On the 16th March 3309, Aden Tanner (Aegis Military Advisor) sent out “A Call For Assistance”, stating that Seo Jin-ae had gone missing.
Seo Jin-ae
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Truth About The Vanishing
A Listening Post named “The Vanishing” can be found in the Duamta system, orbiting body 6.
Fort Asch
Fort Asch is an abandoned settlement in the permit locked HIP 22460 system, on body 7 c, It was formerly run by Azimuth Biochemicals as part of Project Seraph –…
Oaken Point
Oaken Point is an abandoned settlement in the HIP 26176 system, on body A 5 i.
Colonia Crash Site
A wrecked Type 9 can be found in the Colonia system, on body 5 e a, at 29.2425, 39.1472 Some of its cargo of Brewer Corp boxes and Caine-Massey crates sprawled…
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