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Memorial: The Second Thargoid War

Located in the Sol system, orbiting Earth (body 3),is a memorial dedicated to those lost due to the Second Thargoid War.

Joy Senne ICE Beacon

A Listening Post named “Joy Senne ICE Beacon” can be found in the Aiabiko system, orbiting body 3.

The Sanderlyn Interviews

The Sanderlyn Interviews are a series of 6 audio logs which can be found at Tourist Beacons in the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems.

Truth About The Vanishing

A Listening Post named “The Vanishing” can be found in the Duamta system, orbiting body 6.

Thargoid Spire

The Thargoid Barnacle Matrix was first reported to via the Canonn Alert Server August 2nd 3309 by CMDR M.V.Coehoorn. After the initial discovery a total of 45 were found clustered…

Thargoid Hunter

On May 18th 3309 the Second Thargoid War took an unexpected turn, when pilots first entering the heavily protected core of the Thargoid Maelstroms were confronted by a multitude of…

Non-Human Signal Source

Non-Human Signal Sources (NHSS) (not to be confused for Nonhuman Signatures (NHS)) are locations where xeno vessels or technology can be found. At the time of writing, the only alien…

Nonhuman Signature

Nonhuman Signatures are Points of Interest that can spawn on any landable planet (with or without an atmosphere) in a system, as long as that system contains an Ammonia-based-Life Gas Giant (ALGG).

Unidentified Interstellar Anomaly

Project Cotton Eye An ongoing investigation into the nature of the Unidentified Interstellar Anomaly. Please note that the information is provided by a large number of participants and much has…