Unknown Structure

Survey Vessel Pandora

The Survey Vessel Pandora can be found in the HIP 21478 system, orbiting body A 1 f.

Recon 6 Crash Site

Recon 6 Crash Site is a crashed Diamondback Explorer in the HIP 17746 system on body 3 c, at 28.7029, 16.5512 (in Live/4.0) or at 23.1706, 14.8575 (in Legacy/3.8).The existence…

The Thargoid Structure

Introduction Discovered late June 3303 these sites stretch a substantial distance across the surface and can clearly be seen from low orbit, they are linked to the return of the…

The Thargoid Question: Part 1 “Discovery”

As many of you saw in the live stream the last 72 hours have been quite dense with information, discoveries and surprises concerning the recent alien finds. From the distress…