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Stone Circles. Osseus Pumice – White. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo 

Slow-growing organisms that can be found exclusively on rocky areas of planets. They are defined by a symbiotic relationship that has evolved between two unicellular organisms. which are now inseparable. One cell type is solely responsible for energy production by either photosynthetic. chemosynthetic or thermosynthetic processes. The symbiotic cells harvest some of this energy, and in turn deposit a hard rock-like substance extracted from the local geology to create a rigid endoskeleton. This structure provides a solid base for the organism to exist. It features complex folds that help increase available surface area for metabolic interactions. Osseus have been observed to create callus-like cell coverings, and withdraw themselves into the endoskeleton for protection.

Osseus is one of the Genera with a dual variant determinant. The cross-Species rule for Stellar Class determinant holds true, i.e. Stellar Class X = Variant Colour Y across all Stellar Class determinant Species within the Genus.

For Stellar Class determinant Species in such Genera it is also possible to state generalised planetary body type and atmosphere preferences as these show a relatively limited set of values. The same is not true for the Material determinant Species. These show considerably more differentiation, to the extent that no generalisation will be made but each Material determinant Species treated individually.

Minimum Colonial Separation: 800m

Species (Stellar Class Deterministic)

Species NamePercentage of recorded Osseus PopulationVista Genomics Offer Price
Osseus Cornibus5.49%1,483,000
Osseus Fractus16.05%4,027,800
Osseus Pellebantus4.46%9,739,000
Osseus Spiralis49.23%2,404,700

All data as at 30th September 3310.
For up-to-date statistics and Vista Genomics pricing, please visit: 

Canonn Bioforge

Stellar Class and Variant


Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content or Rocky

Atmosphere: Ammonia or Carbon Dioxide

Gravity: Less than 0.29G

Osseus Cornibus

Osseus Cornibus – Lime. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Dr Strange

An Osseus Species that produces a stacked series of spiral structures up to about three metres in height. These ridged features are upturned to better absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (24%), Rocky (76%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)180.00185.95181.00195.39
Pressure (atm)0.0257636440.0625823440.0457562010.098659346
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope and Galactic Centre

Osseus Fractus

Osseus Fractus – Grey. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Darwin

 This Osseus Species can grow to over six metres across. They produce wide ridged frills for metabolic interactions including absorbing sunlight for energy production.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (20%), Rocky (80%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)158.67184.17181.00190.00
Pressure (atm)0.0012157880.0588103370.0351921990.098682949
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: NOT Perseus Arm but including Odin’s Hold and Empyrean Straits

Osseus Pellebantus

Osseus Pellebantus – Turquoise. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Darwin

A Species of Osseus with a single broad stalk from which extend wide circular structures, with the largest plate capping the top to maximise sunlight absorption.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (26%), Rocky (74%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)191.00192.90192.00196.25
Pressure (atm)0.0580090270.080646070.0694968810.098690014
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: NOT Perseus Arm but including Odin’s Hold and Empyrean Straits

Osseus Spiralis

Osseus Spiralis – Emerald. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

A Species of Osseus that produces coiling spiral structures up to six metres wide. There are ridged folds on their upturned surfaces designed to capture sunlight.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (22%), Rocky (78%)
Atmosphere: Ammonia
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)160.00167.24168.00191.89
Pressure (atm)0.0009870920.002121380.0010292790.069400815
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

Species (Material Deterministic)

Species NamePercentage of recorded Osseus PopulationVista Genomics Offer Price as at 31st March 3310
Osseus Discus8.07%  12,934,900
Osseus Pumice16.71%3,156,300

All data as at 30th September 3310.
For up-to-date statistics and Vista Genomics pricing, please visit: 

Canonn Bioforge

Osseus Discus

Osseus Discus – Aquamarine. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Eahlstan Fiskerne

An Osseus Species that appears as half-buried discs with radial patterns, which may resemble natural rock formations from a distance. They absorb geothermal energy from below the surface as well as available heat sources above ground.

 Material and Variant


Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (14%), Rocky (85%) or Rocky Ice (1%)
Atmosphere: Ammonia (2%), Methane (5%) or Water (93%)
Volcanism: Low numbers existing on planets across a spectrum of Volcanic activity. Potentially indicates tolerance rather than preference.

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)68.92402.53415.58451.84
Pressure (atm)0.0013787490.0790369760.0792725250.0986885
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

Osseus Pumice

Osseus Pumice – Green. Image courtesy of Cmdr. LCU No Fool Like One

 An Osseus Species that grows a single thick stalk from which emerges a wide, broadly circular, pitted endoskeleton. This structure is designed to dramatically increase the surface area to volume of the organism, facilitating chemical capture and chemosynthesis on its catalytically active surface.

Material and Variant


Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (1%), Rocky (17%) or Rocky Ice (82%)
Atmosphere: Argon (77%), Methane (18%) or Nitrogen (5%)
Volcanism: Low numbers existing on planets across a spectrum of Volcanic activity. Potentially indicates tolerance rather than preference.

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)42.8780.6971.00133.08
Pressure (atm)0.0009873150.0153872830.0163047520.098605084
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

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