Odyssey Family

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Odyssey Family

An Odyssean Chaparral. Image: ‘Field of Surreal Wonders’ courtesy of Cmdr. Claudius Aetius. Used with permission.


All count and percentage figures in these entries and any extrapolation therefrom and subsequent speculations are from the Google Sheets recorded data to 30th June 3310. These data are not without quality issues and whilst efforts have been made to suppress erroneous records some will inevitably have slipped through and may be the root cause for some of the very low count or percentage ‘outliers’ in the data presented here.

It must also be said that, at the Species and Variant level certainly, there is nothing in this analysis that cannot be gleaned from the excellent Canonn Bioforge. This analysis serves as a précis or summary of the insights to be gained there.

Also, this analysis is very much open to question, challenge, enrichment or any other qualification. Such comments are welcomed.


Canonn collects codex data from composition scan events. These are sourced from the EDMC-Canonn plugin, the EDD Canonn plugin,  the EDDN network and Journal Limpet. On a daily basis the Google Sheets are updated by combining the reported Codex data with the system and body information sourced from Spansh. The EDDN data comes from a number of sources and there may be some errors recording the body information so the body data does need to be verified before drawing absolute conclusions.

(Google Sheets population information supplied by LCU No Fool Like One)

Familial Characteristics

There are 15 Genera in the Odyssey Family, each Genus having a number of Species and each Species having a number of recorded Variants as follows:

Genera Species and Variant Counts
Genus# of Species# of known Variants (Projected) 1Rarity 2
Aleoida555 (65)2.92%
Bacteria13104 (105)30.12%
Cactoida550 (96)3.50%
Clypeus326 (39)1.38%
Concha431 (32)4.47%
Electricae212 (12)0.77%
Fonticulua677 (90)7.15%
Frutexa758 (77)6.74%
Fumerola424 (24)0.59%
Fungoida424 (24)6.12%
Osseus641 (48)6.08%
Recepta325 (25)0.44%
Stratum865 (71) 311.87%
Tubus556 (65)4.65%
Tussock15123 (165)13.20%

1 Evidence that each Species in a Genus will have the same number of Variants is, as yet, not fully conclusive, but it seems likely. The fact that projected Variants remain unrecorded may be due to the rarity of their spawning characteristics or that those characteristics may be mutually exclusive, in whole or in part.
2  Percentage of recorded Odyssey Biological population. Due to the manner in which data are collected; aforementioned quality issues in logged data; the incentive of the payout offered by Vista Genomics and the focus or goal of individual Commanders, these figures cannot be held to be fully representative of Genus rarity, but they are indicative.
Curiously, only one Variant of Stratum Araneamus, namely Stratum Araneamus – Emerald, has yet been found across the entire explored Galaxy. As this Species has been scanned in what are probably representative numbers, it is assumed that no further Variants will be discovered.


As at 30th June 3310, and after data cleansing, 1,354,805 biologicals had been recorded across the Galaxy. Were any Commander able to visit and scan each one it would likely prove highly profitable, netting a total (at current prices and excluding bonuses) of 4.3 trillion Credits.

At the Genus-level, all Genera have some representation, albeit sometimes very small, in every Region of the Galaxy. However, at the Species-level some Genera have Species that show a marked preference for, or absence from, certain Galactic Arms. This is in addition to their general characteristics for spawning as covered in the individual Species posts.

Genera and Species Determinants

The chance of any Genus or Species being present on the surface of a planetary body is determined by the combination of several factors: Planetary Body Type; Base Atmosphere; Temperature; Pressure; Gravity; Volcanism.

Interestingly, whilst Species within a Genus may overlap in their preferences for certain of the above factors, no Species within a Genus has yet been found to co-exist with another.

The primary selection factors seem to be Planetary Body Type, Base Atmosphere and Temperature with the others acting as positive or negative qualifiers and/or as differentiators at the Species level. The tables below show the current recorded population (as at 31st March 3310 and after data cleansing) analysed across those three main factors:

Recorded Biologicals Count (and Percentage of recorded Biological Population) by Body Type and Base Atmosphere

Base Atmosphere
Body Type AmmoniaArgonCarbon Dioxide HeliumMethaneNeonNitrogenOxygenSulphur DioxideWaterGrand Total
High Metal Content104,147
4.019 (0.30%)643
263,819 (23.39%)
Icy Body84
143,528 (10.59%)35
1,110 (0.08%)40,386 (2.98%)43,129 (3.18%)29,052 (2.14%)2,694 (0.20%)3,052
223,533 (19.42%)
Rocky Body 230.867
421,808 (31.13%)5,986 (0.44%)2,168 (0.16%)135 (0.01%)26.997 (1.99%)45.078 (3.33%)619,095 (54.12%)
Rocky Ice153
35,014 (2.58%)6
Grand Total 335,251

Recorded Biologicals Count (and Percentage of recorded Biological Population) by Temperature Band

Temperature Band (K)
0 to 5051 to 100101 to 150151 to 200201 to 250251 to 300301 to 350351 to 400401 to 450451 to 500501 to 550551 to 600601 to 650

At the Odyssey Family level then, one may deduce that the most likely combination on which to find exobiological life is on a Rocky Body with a Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere in the Temperature range between 150 and 200 K.

However, such a generalisation ignores specific clear preferences demonstrated by the Genera and their Species – such as Electricae, which occur only on Icy Bodies with Argon (or negligibly Methane and Neon) Atmospheres and Temperatures below 150K ; or Recepta, whose 3 Species have a broader distribution across a wider Temperature range from 101 to 272 K; or Fungoida, which shows an almost equal preference for Ammonia as for Carbon Dioxide, but won’t be found on an Icy Body. These differences are explored in the separate Species sections linked below.

Additional Genus-level comparison tables can be found in Appendix B.


Some of the very low figures above may be data anomalies or they may be genuine exceedingly rare intersections of determining factors, e.g. the highlighted 6 Rocky Icy Body Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere Biologicals (which are reportedly all Bacteria). Low values such as these need to be re-visited and re-verified. 

Other anomalies and outliers exist, e.g. in Temperature, Pressure, Gravity etc., requiring similar re-verification. An analysis and report of these is planned at some future point.

Variant Determinants

Species within each Odyssey Biological Genus differentiate within any of shape, floral form, reproductive method, nutrient acquisition etc. However, variance within a Species is determined by one of two things: the Stellar Class of an in-system star or the presence of a specific Material in their planetary body’s crust. One of these determinants will drive the Variant, which will always exhibit as a change in colour.

Genera influenced by Stellar Class will always produce the same colour Variant within their member Species for a given Stellar Class. For example, if Stellar Class M evokes Frutexea Acus – Grey then that colour variance rule, M = Grey, will hold true for all other Species of Frutexa.

Only 15 Stellar Classes have so far been found to influence Variant colour:

Main Sequence Classes: O, B, A, F, G, K, M
Other Classes: L, T, TTS, Herbig Ae/Be, Y, Wolf-Rayet, White Dwarf, Neutron

Genera where specific Material presence evokes a Variant do not demonstrate a similar cross-Genus Species effect. For example, for the Genus Electricae, Yttrium will evoke Mulberry in Pluma, but Green in Radialem.

Some Genera are wholly Stellar Class influenced for colour variance in their Species; some wholly Material influenced and some are split across both.

Genus and Variant Determinant

GenusVariant Determinant
AleoidaStellar Class
BacteriaStellar Class / Material
CactoidaStellar Class
ClypeusStellar Class
ConchaStellar Class / Material
FonticuluaStellar Class
FrutexaStellar Class
OsseusStellar Class / Material
ReceptaStellar Class / Material
StratumStellar Class
TubusStellar Class
TussockStellar Class

Stellar Class can readily be seen to be the more common – or perhaps more powerful – determinant, influencing variance as it does in approximately 70% of all Species.

A similar distribution is also found in the Variant colours produced, some being only produced by Stellar Class influence; some only by Material influence and some by both, as seen in the following table:

Variant Colours and Deterministic

CodeHex CodeColourDeterministic
Am#9966CCAmethystStellar Class
Em#00B050EmeraldStellar Class / Material
Gr#70AD47GreenStellar Class / Material
Gy#DDDDDDBlueStellar Class
In#7030A0IndigoStellar Class
Li#00FF00LimeStellar Class / Material
Mr#800000MaroonStellar Class
Mv#CC99FFMauveStellar Class
Oc#F4B084OcherStellar Class
Or#FF6600OrangeStellar Class / Material
Re#FF0000RedStellar Class / Material
Sg#9BA17BSageStellar Class
Te#008080TealStellar Class
Tu#33CCCCTurquoiseStellar Class
Wh#FFFFFFWhiteStellar Class
Ye#FFFF00YellowStellar Class / Material

Galactic Arm Preferences

As noted above, some Genera have Species which display a preference for, or avoidance of, certain Galactic Arms. This can be seen by superimposing a map of the Galaxy over the Named Regions.
However, the Named Regions of the Galaxy are artificial divisions imposed in order to facilitate communication, reference and analysis. Biologicals do not respect Region boundaries and whilst distinct patterns can be seen, there will always be some ‘leakage’ from Biological discoveries at Region boundaries. This ‘leakage’ can be compounded by errors in the scans which sometimes record a Biological in Region A when in fact it is in the adjacent Region B or effectively ‘on the border’.

The Named Region to Galactic Arm mapping used across these posts is detailed in Appendix A

Major and Minor Galactic Arms
ColourGalactic Central and Major ArmsMinor Arms
Light PurpleGalactic CentralOrion-Cygnus Arm
Light BlueSagittarius-Carina ArmAs can be seen, Orion-Cygnus  overlaps the Major Galactic Arms Scutum-Centaurus, Sagittarius-Carina and Perseus.
OrangePerseus ArmIt is included because certain Species have a preference for these Regions only and not the Major Arms.
Dark PurpleOuter Arm
Dark BlueScutum-Centaurus Arm
Galactic Central has been included as a separate grouping because the Major Arms ‘share’ Regions in respect of where they may be said to start.

Genera and Species

Note: In the Stellar Class / Variant tables within the below linked sections the following abbreviations are employed:

Stellar ClassHerbig Ae/BeWhite DwarfNeutronWolf-Rayet

Links to Genus Pages


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