Demeter Class Agricultural Vessel KSL-878

Demeter Class Agricultural Vessel KSL-878

The Demeter Class Agricultural Vessel designation KSL-878 was last reported in orbit of the planet Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-57 A 5.

The ship is heavily damaged, destroyed by weapons consistent with other Thargoid attacks, leaving green hull scarring and some kind of green gas throughout the area.

A Ship Log Uplink point can be located on the hull. Deploy your ship’s hardpoints and use the onboard Data Link Scanner within 200m of the post to scan it and retrieve the log:


I don’t care if we have no weapons, get me anything I can throw at this thing! Get some power to engines! If we can’t shoot it, maybe we can ram it.

A Thargoid Ship may still be in the area; if not, Medical and Emergency Aid ships will be present, rescuing the survivors.

A number of Engineer Materials and Cargo Canisters are scattered nearby.


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