Ariane’s Pride Crash Site

Ariane’s Pride Crash Site

Ariane’s Pride is a crashed Type 9 found in the HIP 32001 system on body 3 a, at 7.7801, 142.9493 (in Live/4.0 and Legacy/3.8).

Crash found by CMDR Sean Bannon

The location of this site can be found by following the two nearby listening posts located in:
Cerritics / Hun Nu

Listening Posts

Cerritics 2

***Distress Call Detected***

Matching Signals Detected: Hun Nu

Mayday…Mayday…This is the trading vessel Ariane‘s Pride. I’ve been hit by a rogue comet, ships systems are failing and I‘m losing power.

I’m in HIP 32001 en-route to Cerritics. I’m going to having to ditch at a nearby planet, 3A is the closest. My position is approximately Iat:7.78 Iong:142.94. Tell my family I love them.

…Signal Disconnected at Source…

Hun Nu A 2

***Distress Call Detected***

Matching Signals Detected: Cerritics

Mayday…Mayday…This is the trading vessel Ariane‘s Pride. I’ve been hit by a rogue comet, ships systems are failing and I‘m losing power.

I’m in HIP 32001 en-route to Cerritics. I’m going to having to ditch at a nearby planet, 3A is the closest. My position is approximately Iat:7.78 Iong:142.94. Tell my family I love them.

…Signal Disconnected at Source…


The site has a data core to scan, cargo rack (scan and shoot) and gives two messages (no audio) about the fate of the crew. A small number of materials and cargo can be found in the area. The crash site is quite mountainous, so a small ship is preferable.


Commanders Log: Ariane Key

I can’t believe l survived, the ship is totalled and there is no way I’m getting off this rock without help.

Communications are sketchy at best and I don’t even know if this is getting out. The ship scanners did show some ships in my sector before they died.

Hopefully one of them will pick this up and come get me.


Commanders Log: Ariane Key

I had lost hope, thought I was never getting out of here. But then I heard the landing thrusters.

Someone picked up my signal and I have to say an Asp has never looked so welcome.

This was a close call and I thank my lucky stars that the Winters Grasp and her commander were not a pirate ship looking to pick my bones.

I’ve rescued what I can of my personal belongings, the insurance will cover the rest. We’re heading to Gooch Hanger in Baliscii, where with luck I’ll be able to get a transport home.

Upon entering the Baliscii system, a signal source “Distress Call: Winter’s Grasp” can be found around body 2.

After dropping into the distress call, 1 Anaconda, 2 Type 9’s and some other wreckage will be found along with 4 Private Data Beacons, however the beacons are empty of any data or logs and there is no sign of a completed rescue.

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