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Raspberry Sponge Fingers. Fungoida Stabitis – Magenta. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Salega Garnessa

Organisms that live deep inside a planetary substrate. They share similar morphology to fungi but are not saprophytic, instead their mycelial body drives its metabolism through chemosynthetic and thermosynthetic processes. These are facilitated by the substrate which also protects the organism from environmental extremes. The exposed aspects of the organisms are primarily involved in reproduction. This is frequently through spore ejection, but certain Species also support gaseous exchange with the atmosphere. Some Fungoida exhibit bioluminescent behaviours as part of a metabolic process involved in the breakdown of accumulated toxins.

Fungoida frequently exhibit a preference for mountainous areas of a planetary body, on plateaued spaces within mountain ranges or on the mountain sides and peaks themselves, presenting Commanders with interesting challenges to landing in close proximity.

Variant Determinant: Material

Minimum Colonial Separation: 300m


Species NamePercentage of recorded Fungoida PopulationVista Genomics Offer Price as at 31st March 3310
Fungoida Bullarum8.75%3,703,200
Fungoida Gelata23.01%3,330,300
Fungoida Setisis50.41%1,670,100
Fungoida Stabitis17.83%2,680,300

All data as at 31st August 3310.
For up-to-date statistics and Vista Genomics pricing, please visit: 

Canonn Bioforge

Fungoida Bullarum

Fungoida Bullarum – Gold. Image courtesy of Cmdr. LCU No Fool Like One

A Fungoida that features clusters of mottled bubble-shaped growths atop a central stalk. These contain spores that can be exposed to the winds to facilitate distribution.

 Material and Variant


Planetary Body Type: Rocky Ice (99%) or Rocky (1%)
Atmosphere: Argon (97%), Nitrogen (3%)
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)50.0181.1971.00131.74
Pressure (atm)0.0009880070.0117647600.0163047520.098171156
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

Fungoida Gelata

Fungoida Gelata – Cyan. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

 This Fungoida Species resembles an upturned jellyfish, emerging from a solid base buried within the substrate. The exposed part is dominated by fleshy reproductive organisms that shed organic tissue. This tissue can float on the light breeze and form a new organism if it lands in the right location.

 Material and Variant


Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (10%) or Rocky (90%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide (73%), Water (27%)
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)79.45249.26181.00452.01
Pressure (atm)0.0026652470.0672128740.0389771780.098690014
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

Fungoida Setisis

Fungoida Setisis – Lime. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

This Fungoida Species produces vertical clusters interspersed with spore pods atop thin stalks. allowing them to break off and scatter to reproduce elsewhere.

 Material and Variant


Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (31%), Rocky (68%) or Rocky Ice (1%)
Atmosphere: Ammonia (96%), Methane (4%)
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)67.37161.92168.00187.16
Pressure (atm)0.0009869450.0030172240.0009871260.098422128
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

Fungoida Stabitis

Fungoida Stabitis – Blue. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Beldum

This Fungoida Species produces vertical clusters interspersed with spore pods atop thin stalks. allowing them to break off and scatter to reproduce elsewhere.

 Material and Variant


Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content (11%), Rocky (89%)
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide (80%), Water (20%)
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)78.79233.54181.00451.61
Pressure (atm)0.0012157880.0655210080.0402194430.098685378
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Orion-Cygnus Arm including Odin’s Hold and Galactic Centre

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