Medical Research Base BJI-86

Medical Research Base BJI-86

Medical Research Base BJI-86 is an abandoned settlement in the Col 359 Sector RN-S c4-12 system on body A 1, at 33.7196, 177.5993 (in Live/4.0) or at -23.8994, -95.1066 (in Legacy/3.8).

The location of this site can be found by following the three nearby listening posts located in:
Col 359 Sector RN-S c4-14 / Col 359 Sector LH-J b10-5 / Col 359 Sector NH-J b10-1

Listening Posts

Col 359 Sector RN-S c4-14 1

…Transponder Signal APS-715-A Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (col 359 sector lh-j b10-5, col 359 sector nh-j b10-1)

Approximate Signal Range: 27-29 LY

…………we’ve found it….. Iong:177.5993 …now we’ve found it I don’t think i can….

…Signal Lost…

[Note for 3.8] Codex displays values for 4.0, it should read: Iong:-95.106628

Col 359 Sector LH-J b10-5 A 1

…Transponder Signal APS-715-B Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (col 359 sector rn-s c4-14, col 359 sector nh-j b10-1)

Approximate Signal Range: 27-29 LY

…………we’ve found it….. lat:33.7196 …now we’ve found it I don’t think i can….

…Signal Corrupted…

[Note for 3.8] Codex displays values for 4.0, it should read: lat:-23.89942

Col 359 Sector NH-J b10-1 A

…Transponder Signal APS-715-C Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (col 359 sector rn-s c4-14, col 359 sector Ih-j b10-5)

Approximate Signal Range: 25-27 LY

…………we’ve found it….. A 1 …now we’ve found it I don’t think i can….

…Carrier Signal Lost…


There are Engineer Materials scattered around the ground, and next to the entrance of the settlement there is a Data Point which may be scanned for an Intel Package, and for Engineer Data.

Around the settlement there are four Settlement Comms Log Uplink points, scanning them gives background to the reason for its abandonment:

Personal Log:

We weren’t looking for this. But no we’ve found it I don’t think I can hide it.

We came out into the far reaches of space looking for new chemicals and materials for medical research. We hoped to find new cures, but this…this is not a cure.

Personal Log:

This compound is lethal in every sense of the word.

Our usual containment protocols were next to useless and 3 of the team members are now dead because of our inadequacies.

I’ve sealed the lab to stop anyone else coming into contact with it.

Personal Log:

Things got a little heated I’ll admit, but Deresta has to see reason.

We can’t give this compound to anyone. We have to destroy our samples and notes.

He wanted to hand it off to the military or worse open it up to private corporations.

There is no telling what kind of damage that would cause.

l can’t allow it, I’m going to destroy all evidence. Bury our discovery.

Personal Log:

I didn’t want any bloodshed.

I didn’t mean to…but Deresta’s dead.

I caught him trying to smuggle the samples out of the lab. I thought he had been acting oddly, but I didn’t think he would try something like this.

I don’t know, it all happened so fast. One minute we were struggling and the next he was on the ground.

I’ve destroyed the evidence and confessed to the deaths here. They’re shutting this place down, so hopefully no one will follow our work.

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