Pirate Cache

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Pirate Cache

A Pirate Cache can be found in the Synuefe QA-U d4-27 system on body A 1, at 43.5394, -134.2668 (in Live/4.0 and Legacy/3.8).

The location of this site can be found by following the three nearby listening posts located in:
Synuefe CV-P c8-11 / Synuefai VJ-C b19-1 / Synuefe TI-A b20-1

Listening Posts

Synuefe CV-P c8-11 6

…Transponder Signal JPS-318-A Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (synuefai vj-c b19-1, synuefe ti-a b20-1)

Approximate Signal Range: 34-36 LY

Stash the loot…. long:-134.26682 …..didn’t steal these things just for someone to track them down…

…Signal Lost…

Synuefai VJ-C b19-1 2 a

…Transponder Signal JPS-318-B Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (synuefe cv-p c8-11, synuefe ti-a b20-1)

Approximate Signal Range: 33-35 LY

Stash the loot…. lat:43.539356 …..didn’t steal these things just for someone to track them down…

…Signal Corrupted…

Synuefe TI-A b20-1 A

…Transponder Signal JPS-318-C Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (synuefe cv-p c8-11, synuefai vj-c b19-1)

Approximate Signal Range: 42-46 LY

Stash the loot…. A 1 …..didn’t steal these things just for someone to track them down…

…Carrier Signal Lost…


While the cache appears to have a number of interesting items, none of them are scoopable by your SRV or ship.

In front of the cache there is a Data Point which may be scanned for an Intel Package, and for Engineer Data.

Within the cache, underneath the canopy, there are three Settlement Comms Log Uplink points, however a message giving background to the cache is only given by one:

If I hadn’t shot him we would have been knee deep in police by now. Do you want us to get caught? Is that it?

If you didn’t want to get your hands dirty, you shouldn’t have signed up to this. If we hadn’t vented the ship, the crew would have called the police and we’d be so much space dust.

Stash the loot and make sure any transponders are disabled. We didn’t steal these things just for someone to track them down. We’ll come back in a few days to collect it once the heat is off us.

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