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  7. SRV-Odysseus


SRV-Odysseus is an abandoned SRV that can be found in the Alshat system on body A 6 b, at 28.1919, -29.9899 (in Live/4.0 and Legacy/3.8).

The location of this site can be found by following the three nearby listening posts located in:
Col 285 Sector LJ-P c6-17 / Col 285 Sector ML-Z b15-5 / HIP 98328

Listening Posts

The listening posts originally pointed to Col 285 Sector PP-N c7-12, however nothing was found in the system and was found to be a flaw with the listening posts that has since been corrected.

Note: The original values before being changed, were:
Col 285 Sector LJ-P c6-17 (DAA-036-A): 50-52 LY / long:-93.746521
Col 285 Sector ML-Z b15-5 (DAA-036-B): 50-52 LY / lat:-11.05562
HIP 98328 (DAA-036-C): 56-58 LY / B 2 g a

CMDR Steve Kirby identified a flaw in the Listening Post firmware and provided an improved decoding that led to the site.

Additionally, for 3.8 the “correct” values for the Latitude and Longitude are incorrectly reversed.

Col 285 Sector LJ-P c6-17 A

…Corrupted Transmission DAA-036-A Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (col 285 sector ml-z b15-5, hip 98328)

Approximate Signal Range: 381-383 LY

….can’t believe we survived… long:-29.9899 …..set the transponder so……..

…Beacon Signal Lost…

[Note for 3.8] Codex displays values for 4.0, it should read: long:28.1916

Col 285 Sector ML-Z b15-5 3

…Corrupted Transmission DAA-036-B Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (col 285 sector Ij-p c6-17, hip 98328)

Approximate Signal Range: 319-321 LY

….can’t believe we survived… lat:28.1919 …..set the transponder so……..

…Beacon Signal Interrupted…

[Note for 3.8] Codex displays values for 4.0, it should read: lat:-29.99

HIP 98328 A

…Corrupted Transmission DAA-036-C Detected…

Matches signal detected at listening posts: (col 285 sector Ij-p c6-17, col 285 sector ml-z b15-5)

Approximate Signal Range: 87-89 LY

….can’t believe we survived… B 2 g a …..set the transponder so……..

…Message Corrupted…

An audible mayday call can be heard on arrival at the site:

Mayday, Mayday, we’ve survived a crash and need help. We’re stranded and our supplies are running low. I’m including my coordinates with this transmission.


There are Engineer Materials scattered around the ground, along with an Occupied Escape Pod and a canister of H.E. Suits.

The SRV contains an SRV Comms Log Uplink, and is next to a transmission tower and Settlement Comms Log Uplink, scanning them both gives background to the reason for its abandonment:

I must have fallen asleep, I didn’t mean to, but I’m exhausted.

Oldham has gone, he left a message saying he felt like stepping outside for a while.

He’s been gone hours and by the looks of it he didn’t take any of the food or water with him. What could have possessed him to do this.

I’m going to follow his tracks and with any luck I’ll find him alive. I don’t want to be alone out here.

I found Oldham. He was just sitting there as if he was in a park back home. Then I saw his visor was open. Oh god what am I going to do.

The air is reaching toxic levels. My only chance is the escape pod we recovered from the ship. And to think I laughed at Oldham for strapping that thing to the roof. Now it could be my final resting place.

Clark and Oldham are gone, the SRV is dying on me, I don’t have any food or water.

I have nothing left but hope.

The first two of the missing three messages can be found at the Abandoned Ship 247km away on a bearing of 168º, the third at Clark’s Rest 97km away on a bearing of 148º.

Nothing has been observed from scooping the Occupied Escaped Pod or bringing it anywhere.

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