Month: May 2017

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Generation Ship: Atlas

Atlas is an abandoned Generation Ship that can be found in the Charick Drift system, orbiting body A.

Generation Ship: Pleione

Pleione is an abandoned Generation Ship that can be found in the Hez Ur system, 8,266 Ls away from the Main Star, in the direction of the Teuten system.

Generation Ship: Thetis

Thetis is an abandoned Generation Ship that can be found in the Nefertem system, orbiting body 6 a.

Generation Ship: Odysseus

Odysseus is an abandoned Generation Ship that can be found in the Ross 859 system, in very low orbit of body B 1.

Generation Ship: Hyperion

Hyperion is an abandoned Generation Ship that can be found in the Lalande 2966 system, 8,341 Ls away from the Main Star, in the direction of the Yemaki system.

Generation Ship: Venusian

Venusian is an abandoned Generation Ship that can be found in the Kitae system, 2,532 Ls away from the Main star, in the direction of the Zephyrus system.

Generation Ship: Lycaon

Lycaon is an abandoned Generation Ship that can be found in the Alaunus system, 30,189 Ls away from the Main star, in the direction of the Horae system.

The Gnosis

The ship was constructed by an appeal to the wider community, and provides docking, repair, outfitting, and market services to all. It originally moved on a weekly schedule decided by…

Teorge Listening Posts

On 29 Apr 3303, Lady Kahina Loren – also known as Salomé – and her co-conspirators Raan Corsen, Tsu Annabelle Singh and Yuri Nakamura attempted to reach the Tionisla Graveyard…

The Zurara

An abandoned megaship named The Zurara is in orbit of the planet Syreadiae JX-F c0 1. Clues to the location of The Zurara were published on Galnet Galactic News on 17 Apr 3303…