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Standing tall. Tubus Conifer – Red. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

Highly specialised organisms that can grow to extreme heights, which peak when in a mature state. The organisms’ height and ability to survive is largely constrained by gravity. The lack of any real atmospheric weather has not put evolutionary pressure on the towers to be strong, so they form tall but thin structures which cannot be supported in high-gravity environments. The tower is formed from wrapped leaf-like structures, which create a regulated chimney void. This is used by the organism to create and maintain an artificial internal atmosphere, where discrete chemical processes can be undertaken along the length of the tower. Waste gases and other material may be released from the top of the tower. Some species feature external rings that can be used to gauge an organism’s age.

Due to their fragile structures Tubus prefer open plains but are tolerant of light undulation, low-lying rocky protrusions or the lowest levels of gentle slopes .

Variant Determinant: Stellar Class

Stellar Class and Variant


Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content or Rocky
Atmosphere: Ammonia or Carbon Dioxide
Gravity: Less than 0.17G

Minimum Colonial Separation: 800m


Species NamePercentage of recorded Tubus PopulationVista Genomics Offer Price
Tubus Cavas18.18%  11,873,200
Tubus Compagibus43.55%7,774,700
Tubus Conifer14.00%2,415,500
Tubus Rosarium15.25%2,637,500
Tubus Sororibus9.02%5,727,600

All data as at 30th September 3310.
For up-to-date statistics and Vista Genomics pricing, please visit: 

Canonn Bioforge

Tubus Cavas

Tubus Cavas – Indigo. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Paul Thompson

A Tubus Species that extends pale vertical stalks composed of rigid modules. Colourful fronds frequently appear in the gaps between segments and aid with controlling gaseous exchange.

Planetary Body Type: Rocky
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)160.00168.91163.00196.25
Pressure (atm)0.0032090930.0202536150.0040663650.098235277
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Scutum-Centaurus Arm including Odin’s Hold and Galactic Centre

Tubus Compagibus

Tubus Compagibus – Ocher. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

A Tubus Species with narrow pale segments and fronds growing between each module. A wide crown of leaves at the peak hold spores on their undersides, to germinate across a wide area.

Planetary Body Type: Rocky
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)150.96168.73162.00196.10
Pressure (atm)0.0011116650.0197661650.0054648770.098505091
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Sagittarius-Carina Arm including Odin’s Hold and Galactic Centre

Tubus Conifer

Tubus Conifer – Maroon. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo

A Tubus Species formed from hollow vertical cylinders that can reach heights of six metres. Mature specimens are capped with a downturned crown that can distribute seeds on the wind across a wide area.

Planetary Body Type: Rocky
Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide
Volcanism: No Volcanism

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)150.96168.73162.00196.10
Pressure (atm)0.0011116650.0197522020.0054648770.098505091
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: Perseus Arm including Ryker’s Hope and Galactic Centre

Tubus Rosarium

Tubus Rosarium – Turquoise. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Markus Mathieson

This Tubus Species is composed of squat tubes growing into a vertical spire. The upper pods of mature specimens produce explosive seed pods on their outer skin.

Planetary Body Type: Rocky
Atmosphere: Ammonia
Volcanism: Low numbers existing on planets with mainly particulate Volcanic activity. Potentially indicates tolerance rather than preference.

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)160.00168.33172.00176.66
Pressure (atm)0.0009869240.0026781830.0009956340.013386672
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

Tubus Sororibus

Tubus Sororibus – Ocher. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Markus Mathieson

This Species of Tubus grows a cluster of hollow stalks composed of rigid segments. Over time these become capped with a growth that flowers and produces seeds.

Planetary Body Type: High Metal Content
Atmosphere: Ammonia (3%) or Carbon Dioxide (97%)
Volcanism: Insignificant

Temperature Pressure Gravity

Temperature (K)160.00167.77166.00193.45
Pressure (atm)0.0009877620.0149658940.0098353150.098589317
Gravity (G)

Galactic Arm Preference: No Preference

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