HIP 22460: Wreckage Logs

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HIP 22460: Wreckage Logs

A collection of logs recovered from the wreckage of numerous ships in HIP 22460, following the event of the Proteus Wave being fired, on the 9th August 3308.


  1. Alert: HIP 22460 Evacuation
  2. HIP 22460 Wreckage – Personal Log 230255-B – Fairchild, Emma
  3. HIP 22460 Wreckage – Ship Comms 087290-B – Grayling, Stan
  4. HIP 22460 Wreckage – Ship Comms 114815-F – Chavez, Robert
  5. HIP 22460 Wreckage – Ship Comms 177629-H – Morse, Kelsey
  6. HIP 22460 Wreckage – Personal Log 214028-B – Painter, Lloyd
  7. HIP 22460 Wreckage – Personal Log 208630-T – Ching, Fung
  8. HIP 22460 Wreckage – Ship Comms 214028-B – Santacoloma, Wilbur
  9. Oath Of Tyndareus – Personal Log
  10. Oath Of Tyndareus – Engineering Log
  11. Heart Of Taurus – Private Comms Log
  12. Heart Of Taurus – Unverified Recording
  13. Bright Sentinel – Outbound Comms Log
  14. 101344-H, S. Omeje – Personal Log
  15. Bright Sentinel Crew Announcement
  16. Personal Log 27-07-3308: Salvation

Upon entering the HIP 22460 system on the 9th August 3308 sent out a message, warning Commanders to withdraw:


All Commanders are urged to withdraw from HIP 22460 immediately.

The Proteus Wave device created by Salvation failed to eliminate Thargoid forces in this system. An energy pulse of unknown origin, deployed shortly after the device‘s activation, shut down all human ships in the system. The majority of the human fleet was destroyed by Thargoid forces as a result.

Surviving pilots have been advised to retreat to a safe system. Further information will be provided via Galnet.

HIP 22460 is now under Thargoid control. The area is considered extremely dangerous. We have not yet confirmed whether further shut down pulses remains a possibility.

Commanders who choose to investigate the aftermath of humanity’s defeat in HIP 22460 should ensure their vessels are appropriately outfitted for Thargoid encounters.

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Further investigation in the HIP 22460 system uncovered numerous debris fields, some of which contain the logs of those who perished after the failed Proteus Wave activation.

Debris Field Logs

Huge Debris Field – orbiting body 4 c

Excerpt of log 230255-b Fairchild, Emma.

I don’t have much time. I guess if you’re sweeping the debris you’ll hear people say that a lot. I’d apologise but I have my own problems right now.

Fleet command need to be brought to justice. All of them, all three superpowers. They sold us out to Salvation.

Have you been hearing his announcements? How he’s gonna save humanity and write history? This was all for his ego and his stupid fixation on defeating the Thargoids. And our admirals bought it. ‘Sure. we’ll deploy hundreds of thousands of people to back you up, no sweat. What could go wrong?’

EVERYTHING went wrong, you idiots!

Whatever it was that took my power out hit us all. The Thargoids sure woke up, though. I’ve mostly been watching them blow ships apart. Mostly.

Some escape pods had already been deployed by the time everything went bad. I swear the Thargoids are scooping them Up. Can you imagine? I hope whatever happens to the people inside is quick. Nobody deserves to be experimented on or ground into burgers or whatever.

I don’t think I’ll be around to see justice served, so good luck. Tell ‘em Emma Fairchild said they’re all scumbags.

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Large Debris Field – orbiting body 5 c

Excerpt of log 087290-b Grayling, Stan.

Just hold them a little longer! It’s almost time!

[sounds of Ship conflict detected]
Dammit, my shields are down. Chandler – draw ’em off me, buddy. Don’t let me miss the fireworks, y’hear?

[large energy pulse detected]
…I can’t believe it. The crazy son-of-a-gun actually did it.

Captain, this is Squadron Six reporting in. The Thargoids have shut down. Repeat, the Thargoids have–

[transmission lost]

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Large Debris Field – orbiting body 10 a

Excerpt of log 114815-f Chavez, Robert.

I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in all my life! Look at them all. They’re finished!

Three years of hell…

[radio chatter]
Roger that. Moving to formation. Hey, tell Sandra I’ll be home soon. We’re due a holiday.

[unknown energy surge detected]
What the… this is Chavez, Squadron Six. I’ve lost power. Can anyone hear me?

Controls are unresponsive. I can–

[transmission lost]

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Large Debris Field – orbiting body 11 – near the planetary ring

Excerpt of log 177629-h Morse, Kelsey.

Are you seeing this?

They’re just… drifting. I’m sitting less than a kilometre from an Interceptor and it’s like someone’s pulled the plug on it.

Are they dead? Asleep?

Ugh. this gives me the creeps. I’m heading back to base.

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Huge Debris Field – orbiting body 12 a

Excerpt of log 214028-b Painter, Lloyd.

If anyone finds this… I don’t even know if the suit recorder is working.

I’m stuck in my cockpit. Ship’s powerless. I’m watching the Thargoids destroy every ship in the area. They’re so… methodical. Like our massacre is a chore to them.

The fighting continued right up until the first wave went off. The Thargoids went offline, all the lights on their hulls out. The conflict was over.

We had maybe a minute to celebrate before another wave hit us. Salvation failed. Why did we ever believe he could stop them. Nothing can stop them. Not now.

I don’t know what it was but… but…

…oh God. Oh God.

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Small Debris Field – orbiting body 15 c

Excerpt of log 208630-t Ching, Fung.

That damned liar! I knew Salvation couldn’t be trusted!

All those promises about winning the war. Well look at me now, you jerk! My controls are deader than dead.

What am I meant to do? Flip ’em the bird?

[sounds of Thargoid vessel detected]
Oh, you finally noticed me. huh? Come on, you ugly bastard. Show me what you got!

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Small Debris Field – orbiting body 16 d

Note: can become difficult to visit when POI is between body and moon

Excerpt of log 214028-b Santacoloma, Wilbur.

My ship is in pieces, sir. I need to head back for repairs.

[You gonna make it before the Wave goes off?]
Reckon so. Need to get outta here before any more flowers take notice, though.

[Okay, get going. See if you can drum up any reinforcements on the flight deck]
Will see what I can d-oh crap. Got a Medusa coming in fast. Looks pissed.

[Start your jump, I’ll draw it away.]
I owe you one. Find me at the victory party.

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Megaship Logs

Oath of Tyndareus

Near the bow of the wrecked ship

Excerpt of log 046572-c Boni. Stephanie.

We’ve been told for so many months now that Salvation is the answer. The war will end through his actions, not ours. Like he’s some messiah.

Have people lost faith in the military? The ADF has fought these creatures for years now. Sure, there have been setbacks. but there have been plenty of victories as well. I was there when the Alliance secured the Witch Head Nebula enclave. We drove the Thargoids back and gave them a few wounds to lick. Gave the Imps and Feds something to think about, too.

Now we’ve bet all our chips on Salvation’s cards. Here in HIP 22460 we’ve lost thousands of good people keeping his back covered while he builds this wondering contraption. I truly hope it works. because a lot has been sacrificed to give the Proteus Wave a chance.

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Near the stern of the wrecked ship

Excerpt of log 201156-b Raj, Naresh.

l can’t get the power back on!

No. you’re not listening – it’s dead. There’s nothing to work with. The panels are blank. The drive’s disengaged. Manual override isn’t doing anything.

Unless you want to try rubbing sticks together to ignite a spark, we’re stranded here. At least we took the Thargoids out first. Otherwise we’d be in big trouble.

I need some time to break down where the problem stems from. There’s a panel under the main coupling unit that wi–

[transmission lost]

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Heart of Taurus

Note: This log no longer available

Excerpt of log 023972-c Hurst, Nyla.

Yeah, yeah. I get what you‘re saying. But Halloran has to know. right?

[About Azimuth?]
About Azimuth. And these things it’s accused of. Like sabotaging the Alexandria.

[That’s never been proven]
Sure, but I heard those logs. It mentions the Witch. And if they’re right and Salvation is-

[Who’s they? Have you been listening to Aegis propaganda?]
I’m not saying that Aegis is right. But there’s just questions. is all.

[Just let it go, Nyla. This isn’t the time.]
I guess. l just hope we’re doing the right thing.

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Note: This log no longer available

Excerpt of log 181209-c Kansas, Peter.

It didn’t work.

I don’t know how I’m still here… my room’s life support is intact but the ship is finished. The Thargoids tore us to pieces when they…

Dammit, I remember hugging Jefferson when the call came through. We’d stopped them, the captain said so. Salvation did it. And then the power went out and… I ran. I knew something bad was gonna happen. Jefferson called after me but I kept running, back to my room. Just made it when the explosions started.

I’m not…

They’re picking people up. The bodies. I can see them through the window.

I can’t let them take me. Won’t let them.

I refuse.

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Bright Sentinel

Note: This log no longer available

Excerpt of log 172127-a Mulcahy, Gerard.

Hey. It’s been a while, but I wanted to send you a quick message. Shame you aren’t at home.

I know I haven’t been in touch. We’ve just been busy with… well, if you’ve been watching the news feeds. you know what’s going on. I’ve been in HIP 22460 for a few weeks now, and there hasn’t been much downtime. I guess you’ve heard that excuse before, though, huh?

Listen, l just wanted to say sorry. When this is over – assuming Salvation’s plan works – I’ll take some time off and come visit. If that‘s okay with you.

Uh, yeah. I hope you’re doing good. Say a prayer for us if you get a chance.

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Note: This log no longer available

Excerpt of log 101344-h Omeje, Sunday.

Having reviewed the reports of the Proteus Site’s power systems, I am delighted to see that all results are within optimal parameters. Quite the feat given that this is a unique weapon, never before seen by humanity, which incorporates mechanisms from two alien races.

The Guardian technology is remarkable. So versatile in application. I believe we have merely scratched the surface of its capability, but further developments will come in time. When the Thargoids have been eradicated.

I had the chance to speak with Salvation. Only briefly, and only to clarify a specific aspect of the Proteus Wave’s function. There is a magnetism to the man’s demeanour. He is ancient, of course, and wears his years wholly. But Salvation gave me his full attention for perhaps thirty seconds, and I admit to feeling intimidated by his focus.

Then, my question answered, he moved on. Not a moment wasted on pleasantries. Understandable. There is far too much to do, of course.

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Note: This log no longer available

This is Commodore Halloran.

l have just received word that the Proteus Wave weapon has been successfully installed at the Thargoid surface site.

Soon we will initiate the weapon’s activation sequence. It will take some time, so we need to be wary of any attempt by the Thargoid fleet to interfere with Salvation‘s plan.

I’ve confirmed with Galnet officials that every major news feed will carry live footage of the superweapon’s activation. We’ll share the coming victory with the people we fight for. Every loved one of the millions lost to the Thargoids will witness our revenge in real time.

You all know your duties; we’ve drilled them a dozen times over. Don’t let the waiting audience distract you. Make me proud, okay?

Halloran out.

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Note: This log no longer available

The time of our Victory is almost here. My journey has been long. Too long, I think.

l am likely to be the oldest ever living human. The fortune l have spent on cell regeneration and bionic replacements to keep my physical form intact… well, it would make even a Sirius accountant weep.

Every single credit was worthwhile, though. The investments have allowed me to witness this moment. To be our salvation.

The Thargoids are an ancient race, too blind to realise their time has passed. Over the centuries l have, admittedly, found a grudging respect for them. The creatures are equally intelligent and ruthless.

But they lack the ambition and endless potential of humans. l have given my life to ensuring the crown is finally snatched away from them. We are now the dominant civilization in the galaxy.

Missing text from log transcription:

My name, will be remembered alongside the very greatest champions of humanity.

I believe, I have earned that much.

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