Geology & Surface Organics

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An Odyssean Chaparral. Image: ‘Field of Surreal Wonders’ courtesy of Cmdr. Claudius Aetius. Used with permission.

Odyssey Family

An Odyssean Chaparral. Image: ‘Field of Surreal Wonders’ courtesy of Cmdr. Claudius Aetius. Used with permission. Disclaimer All count and percentage figures in these entries and any extrapolation therefrom and…


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A particularly fine example of Aleoida Laminiae – Emerald. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Extremely hardy photosynthetic organisms that thrive in arid environments. Thick, waxy leaf structures protect them…


Bacterium Nebulus – Cyan. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Markus Mathieson True unicellular extremophiles capable of living in the full spectrum of temperatures, chemical soups and atmospheres. They form a kaleidoscopic…


A proud specimen of Cactoida Cortexum – Teal. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Photosynthetic organisms that have adapted to extreme conditions by reducing their surface area to volume ratio,…


A mature Clypeus Margaritus – Mauve. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Darwin Extremophile organisms that have evolved to create hard shield structures, primarily to protect against stellar radiation. They also collect…


A dusty profusion of  Concha Renibus – Peach. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Eahlstan Fiskerne Highly specialised complex extremophiles that have developed protective and sturdy motile shell structures. These open and…


Exobiological lighthouses. Electricae Radialem – Magenta. Image courtesy of Cmdr. <Unknown> Organisms found exclusively on extremely cold ice worlds in the vicinity of frozen lakes. The visible tips can be…


A frozen field of Fonticulua Upupam – Emerald. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Photosynthetic colony organisms found exclusively on ice worlds, where they have embraced the surrounding frozen material…


Sunlit Shrubs. Frutexa Metallicum – Grey. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Robust woody plants with deep rooting structures to gather liquids and hold themselves in place where the ground…


Mellow Yellow. Fumerola Extremus – Lime. Image courtesy of Cmdr. Arras DeCairo Extremophile organisms located in regions with active fumaroles. Their metabolism is driven exclusively through chemosynthetic and thermosynthetic mechanisms…