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The Church Of The Path

The Church Of The Path is an abandoned settlement in the Shibboleth system on body 2 e.

The Golconda

The Golconda

The Golconda is a Generation Ship that was found in the Upaniklis system, orbiting body B 3. It has since restarted its journey and is no longer present in Upaniklis.

Istanu Unauthorised Installation

An Unauthorised Installation may be found in the Istanu system, in orbit of body 1 f. The start of the trail leading to this installation can be found in the…

Slough Unauthorised Installation

An Unauthorised Installation may be found in the Vesper-M4 system, in orbit of Slough (body 7). The start of the trail leading to this installation can be found in the…

Nommai Convoy Beacon

An Unregistered Comms Beacon can be found in the Nommai system, orbiting body 4.

Survey Vessel Stargazer

Survey Vessel Stargazer is a crashed Diamondback Explorer in the HIP 16378 system on 3 b, at 37.1042, -148.0340 (in Live/4.0) or at 37.0649, -147.8056 (in Legacy/3.8).The location of this…

The Hunt

This mystery began with distortions and interruptions to video transmissions by CMDR Braben in August 3302. The interruption provided an image of a crashed ship of unknown design, while the distortions…