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Memorial: CMDR Tony Voller

Located in the Shana Bei system, orbiting body 6, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Tony Voller can be found.

Memorial: CMDR Brutal Deluxe

Located in the Oochorrs YB-K c25-2 system, orbiting body BC 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Brutal Deluxe can be found.

Memorial: Pollox D568

Located in the Pollux system, orbiting body 1, a memorial dedicated to CMDR Tony Pox can be found.

Brooks Galactic Tours Beacon

Former Executive Producer of Elite Dangerous, Michael Brooks, passed away in June 2023. His memory lives on in all those who play Elite Dangerous and in memorial beacons added in…

Memorial: CMDR Garak

Located in the Colonia system, just off of body 4, you will find Jaques Station. Within 7km of that station you will find the beacon commemorating CMDR Garak.

Memorial: Evelyn Faye Roy

Located 698 Ly from Colonia, Evelyn’s Light is a system with a Neutron Star and a Listening Post, named Memorial Evelyn Faye Roy.

Pilots’ Memorials

Pilots’ Memorials are placed in 7 systems in human occupied space, each containing a full list of all submitted memorial names.

Listening Posts

Listening Posts have been largely found in systems on the frontier of the bubble. Their origin is not known for sure, but it is possible that they are deployed by the Sirius Corporation as reported 7 OCT 3302.
