This page lists the week by week targets revealed by the Eagle Eye Installations in case they are useful.
Weekly Targets
Week 1 : 8 March 3304
Week 1 locations not recorded – included known Thargoid Structure locations, previously attacked starports and Huveang De – a system not attacked yet. At the end of the week on 17 MAR 3304 it was announced in Galnet that defence by CMDRs had held off the Thargoids.
Local security services in the Huveang De system have announced today that there have been no new sightings of Thargoids over the last 24 hours.
The head of local security forces released the following statement:
“We do not know why the Thargoids appeared in our region of space or why they now appear to have left. We can only speculate as to their motives. However we thank all the brave pilots that came to the system to help defend against this potentially catastrophic threat.”
Week 2 : 15 March 3304
Some Thargoid Structures only gave two targets, and there was a larger variety of targets. There are two un-attacked starports – Glazkov in Irandan and Lorentz Dock in HIP 21559.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 18730 3 g a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | hip 16704 5 a |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector ir-w d1-76 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | hip 18730 3 g a | See EE1 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | hip 16704 5 a | See EE2 |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | pleiades sector kh-v c2-3 |
Week 3 : 22 March 3304
This week Glazkov in Irandan was attacked, Lorentz Dock in HIP 21559 was not attacked. Both were given support megaships (Acropolis and Vanguard) mid-way through the week that provided Thargoid Massacre missions. There are two un-attacked starports – Lasswitz Terminal in Mentor and Doyle Landing in Lunguni. Thargoids targeted INRA related sites for the first time this week (INRA previously attacked the Thargoids).
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | pleiades sector jc v c2 9 1a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | pleiades sector hh v c2 13 a1c |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector od s b4 1 2a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | pleiades sector jc v c2 9 1a | See EE1 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | pleiades sector hh v c2 13 a1c | See EE2 |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | pleiades sector od s b4 1 2a | See EE3 |
Week 4 : 29 March 3304
No changes to transmissions this week. Lunguni was attacked. It was getting 20% of the support of Mentor (judged via the number of fighting ships in each system through the week). Galnet article at the end of the week on 30 MAR 3304 indicated that the Thargoids were rethinking their approach:
“Undoubtedly, the most positive outcome of our Eagle Eye initiative is that it has allowed us to determine which locations the Thargoids intend to attack. This has proved invaluable in our ongoing fight against the Thargoids.”
“It appears, however, that the sites are currently dormant, as no energy-level fluctuations have been detected for several days. Hopefully this means we can look forward to a temporary reprieve from Thargoid attacks.”
Week 5 : 5 April 3304
This week there were three Thargoid Structures pointed to by the Eagle Eye starports. Each of these structures pointed to two locations. Only one (Madngeri) is new, Lunguni was attacked in week 4. Two of the target (Lunguni and Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-16) do not work as expected – the Thargoid Link ‘points’ (which usually indicates correct system), but do not indicate a specific location – it just points where it was directed before the message plays (this happened for one target the previous week – Pleiades Sector PN-T b3-0). There are rumours that the shadowy organisation behind Operation Hrafnagud’s Eye may be sabotaging the Eagle Eye installations in order to discredit their previous 100% record. This week is also the first week that it appears a single Barnacle is being indicated (previous weeks Barnacle Forests were indicated).
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 16440 1e |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | hip 18368 2h |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector gg y d33 3a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE3 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE1 |
Week 6 : 12 April 3304
Neither of the targeted systems were attacked, but Guidoni Enterprise in HIP 9599 was attacked (it is believed that the Lunguni signal should have indicated HIP 9599). Two new targets were identified. There was a typo in one of the Eagle Eye messages – Pleiades sector lx-u c2-2 ab 4 a was given as Pleiades sector lx-u j2-2 ab 4 a. Otherwise all targets were identified and confirmed via Thargoid Link. More sabotage from Operation Hrafnagud’s Eye is believed to be behind an inability to detect Thargoid incursions in these systems for several days. Thankfully this was been remedied and Non-Human signal sources appeared in both target systems, though only two days before the attacks were expected.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | pleiades sector km-w d1-40 b 10 a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | hip 17837 a 4 b (TS88) |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector lx-u c2-2 ab 4 a(TS183) |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 7 : 19 April 3304
This week we only had two days to defend the systems and both Kunuvii and 32 c Piscium were attacked (Non Human Signal Sources only appeared on Tuesday before the attack on Thursday).
The targets identified this week were all new systems, so we have six systems to defend. Some do not have starports (only starports have been attacked so far, no smaller outposts or surface bases), some do not have ammonia worlds / ammonia gas giants (all systems attacked so far have these), and some do not have Non-Human Signal Sources. Only 4 Starports have transmitters, in the other two attacked Farragut appear to be the target. It is believed that either the Thargoids are injecting false targets, or it is further interference from Operation Hrafnagud’s Eye as it finds itself increasingly sidelined due to successes of the Eagle Eye system.
Targets satisfying all conditions for attacks are LP 581-36 and Deriv-Dar. See news article for more details of the changes in the targeted systems.
In recent weeks targets have moved between 30-60Ly each week, and the current targets are 80Ly from Sol.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 16440 1e |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | hip 16704 5a |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector ir-w d1-76 b3a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 8 : 26 April 3304
This week LP 581-36 was attacked, the other five targets were not.
Of the four targets this week two are INRA bases. Trocnades had no Non Human Signal Sources, and only SPOCS 253 has the expected Non Human Signal Sources. Surveying nearby systems with Ammonia-related planets we found Deneb Algedi to have Non Human Signal Sources (and a transmitter at Burke Point), so we believe that to be the second attack target (it is closer to the attacked LP 581-36 system, so we believe it is part of that branch of the attack). Several systems contained attacked Megaships, but no Distress Calls this week. The Aegis megaship Vanguard was in Ngauna, where a transmitter was found near Young Enterprises, and the Acropolis was in Trocnades.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | pleiades sector ir-w d1-55 5a (TS52) |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | pleiades sector od-s b4-1 2a (TS193) |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | See EE1 | |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE1 |
Week 9 : 3 May 3304
This week SPOCS 253 was attacked, the other targets were not. Aegis Megaships were dispatched to Xihe and Flech and wrecked megaships were found in several systems. Non-Human Signal Sources were found in 63 G. Capricorni and
Argestes, so these are believed to be this week’s targets.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | pleiades sector gg-y d33 3a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | hip 17837 4b |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | hip 18368 2h |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 10 : 10 May 3304
This week no starports were attacked, both were successfully defended (first time this had happened). Aegis Megaships were dispatched to Aogni and Vanir (neither of which were Eagle Eye targets) and wrecked megaships were found in several systems. Non-Human Signal Sources were found in LTT 8517 and Dalfur, so these are believed to be this week’s targets. Note that NHSS seem to spawn in systems within 5 Ly of target systems.
NHSS were found in the systems targeted last week (Argestes and 63 G. Capricorni).
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 16440 1e |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | pleiades sector hh-v c2-13 a1c |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector ir-w d1-76 b3a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 11 : 17 May 3304
This week no starports were attacked, both were successfully defended (second time this had happened). Aegis Megaships were dispatched to Coquim and LHS 1453 (neither of which were Eagle Eye targets) and wrecked megaships were found in several systems. No Non-Human Signal Sources found in the target systems to begin with. NHSS still present in last weeks targets Dalfur and LTT 8517.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | pleiades sector kh-v c2-3 3a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | pleiades sector od-s b4-1 2a |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | HIP 16704 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 12 : 24 May 3304
This week no starports were attacked, both were successfully defended (third time this had happened). Aegis Megaships were dispatched to Seliacha and Ancanec (both which were Eagle Eye targets) and wrecked megaships were found in several systems.
Main change this week is that Aegis megaships were both targeted by Eagle Eye.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 18368 |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | pleiades sector ir-w d1-76 |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | hip 17837 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 13 : 31 May 3304
This week no starports were attacked, both were successfully defended (fourth time this had happened). The Aegis Megaships were not attacked by Thargoids (despite being targeted) and were successfully dispatched to Dalfur and Spinoni (neither ship are now Eagle Eye targets, though we note a starport in Dalfur was previously targeted). Wrecked megaships were found in several systems. This week one of the three Thargoid Structures pointed to by Eagle Eye was previously unknown to us (Synuefe HZ-M d8-69 B7f at 6, -124), and one of the targets is Eagle Eye Three itself (a first). One of the INRA bases that the Thargoids had not previously detected was also targeted (Hogan Depot – one remains unknown to the Thargoids according to Eagle Eye – Mayes Chemical Plant).
The targeted systems were HIP 21599 and LP 581-36 – both of which have previously been attack targets (though different starports are targeted this week).
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | pleiades sector lx-u c2-2 ab 4 a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | synuefe hz-m d8-69 b 7 f |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | taurus dark region cl-y d53 a4 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 14 : 7 June 3304
This week no starports were attacked, both were successfully defended (fifth time this had happened). Both Aegis megaships are targets this week, along with Eagle Eye 2 (previous week Eagle Eye 3 was targeted but not attacked).
The targeted systems were Nauni and Kung Mu. Kung Mu is a new target, Nauni is still under repair (first time this has happened).
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 16704 5a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | pleiades sector gg-y d33 3a |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector kh-v c2-3 3a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 15 : 14 June 3304
This week no starports were attacked, both were successfully defended (sixth time this had happened). Aegis megaship Vanguard chose not to jump this week, and stayed in Socho, Acropolis jumped to Daruwutja.
The targeted systems were Assinda and Kambila, both new targets though Assinda has been host to an Aegis megaship before now.
Thargoids finally found the INRA Mayes Chemical Plant this week – they now know about all the INRA settlements that we do. Eagle Eye also pointed to the permit locked Col 70 (which is one of the reference systems used in the Thargoid location calculations – see details on the Thargoid Probe entry).
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | mel 22 sector hh-v d2-37 ab 1 a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | pleiades sector dq y c4 6 a |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | wregoe ra-w c15-18 a 1 a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 16 : 21 June 3304
This week Hennepin Prospect in Assinda was attacked, Aegis megaships jumped to Assinda and Nauni. Eagle Eye gave no targets, just the message:
no new signal detected thargoid activity unknown initiate protocol xeno 55
This appears to be the end of this phase of the Thargoid incursion, Aegis published a message on Galnet on 22 JUN 3304:
Aegis has confirmed that the Thargoid presence in the core systems has been significantly diminished, due largely to the efforts of the galactic community.
Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis, made this statement:
“This is a very positive development. Using data from our Eagle Eye network, courageous members of the galactic community have formed a barrier of steel and fire, preventing Thargoid vessels from encroaching further. In doing so they have prevented several starports from being attacked, saving many thousands of lives.”
“Furthermore, in many regions the Thargoid incursion has actually been reversed. Although they remain entrenched within the Pleiades, their forces in the core systems have been pushed back to the Bhal system, their initial beachhead.”
“Aegis offers its sincere thanks and congratulations to every one of the Commanders who risked their lives by meeting our enemy in battle. These audacious pilots have proved that humanity’s spirit is far from broken. Victory against the Thargoids will be hard-won, but I am in no doubt that with defenders of this calibre, it will one day be achieved.”
Week 17 : 28 June 3304
Galnet announced that the target was Deciat this week (start of the 3.1 era). Checks on Eagle Eye confirmed multiple targets in Deciat, though no starports – planets and Megaships are targeted.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Aries Dark Region HR-W C1-1 8 c |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | hip 16440 1 |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | mel 22 sector db-x d1-46 a 8 a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 18 : 5 July 3304
No starports attacked. Nogambe and Tembala targeted along with an Aegis megaship, one of the recently found attacked settlements, a crashed Thargoid Scout and an attacked cargo ship in Yembo.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 17837 a1c |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | hip 18368 2h |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector hh-v c2-13 a1c |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | See EE1 | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | See EE2 | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | See EE3 |
Week 19 : 12 July 3304
Tembala attacked. Aegis ships jumped to HIP 44811 and Wolf 636 – which were also the targeted systems. Eagle Eye transmissions changed so that all transmit on the hour (were previously at 10 minute intervals). Wrecked Megaships and Distress calls found in targeted systems.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | pleiades sector dq y c4 6a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Pleiades Sector KH-V c2-3 |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | Not checked | |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | Not checked | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | Not checked | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 |
Week 20 : 19 July 3304
HIP 44811 attacked. Aegis ships jumped to Oscabi and Jiman. Eagle Eye transmissions again all transmitted on the hour. No wrecked Megaships and Distress calls found in targeted systems.
Target in Jiman could not be identified as Thargoid Link does not point consistently – possibly target was the Aegis ship or one of the missing megaship wrecks.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 16704 5a |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Struve’s Lost Sector NN-T c3-1 abcd 1 a |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | SYNUEFE HZ-M D8-69 B 7 F |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | Not checked | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | Not checked | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 21 : 26 July 3304
Di Jian and RMK 6 both attacked. Aegis ships jumped to Gree and Triton (the system, not the planet in Sol). Eagle Eye transmissions reverted to normal times. No wrecked Megaships and Distress calls found in targeted systems, which are Bok and Dhanhopi.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | Pleiades Sector OD-S B4-1 2 a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | Pleiades Sector DQ-Y C4 6 a |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 5 a |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 22 : 2 August 3304
Dhanhopi attacked. Aegis ships jumped to CW Ursae Majoris and Kamadhenu, which were also the target systems. Wrecked Megaships found in targeted systems. CW Ursae Majoris contained interceptor grade signal sources, Kamadhenu only had scouts. Eagle Eye 4 signals both seemed to be inaccurate – one signal location was not identified, and the both seemed to point to a system around 10 Ly from the actual target (though the TL pointed correctly to the target).
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | wregoe ra-w c15-18 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | hip 16704 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | pleiades sector ir-w d1-76 |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 23 : 9 August 3304
Both starports saved. Aegis ships jumped to Magec and Nu-1 Columbae. Targets are Magec and HIP 30045.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector od-s b4-1 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | hip 18368 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | mel 22 sector bv-p c5-2 |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 24 : 16 August 3304
Both starports saved. Aegis ships remain in Magec and Nu-1 Columbae. Targets are Pemepatung and LP 102-320. Targets were identified by checking systems with Ammonia Worlds / Ammonia Gas Giants for Non Human Signal Sources as all six Eagle Eyes were transmitting:
system error system error system error system error
This is presumably related to the Galnet post later in the day (17 AUG 3304):
Eagle Eye Installations Offline
16 AUG 3304
Admiral Aden Tanner has confirmed reports that Aegis’s Eagle Eye installations are offline.
The development is the result of Thargoid-sensor related interference at Dantec Enterprise, home of Aegis Core, which has neutralised Aegis’s ability to transmit data to the orbital installations.
The Eagle Eye installations play a vital role in countering Thargoid aggression by monitoring energy-level fluctuations at Thargoid surface sites. The data allows pilots to determine which systems the Thargoids intend to attack.
Admiral Tanner elaborated on the issue in a brief statement:
“With Dantec Enterprise experiencing widespread technical issues, it’s impossible for us to communicate with the Eagle Eye installations. And unless the installations are fed a continuous stream of data, they are essentially useless.”
“The Eagle Eye installations are one of the most effective weapons we have in our war against the Thargoids, and we would be grateful to any pilots who could deliver meta-alloys to Dantec Enterprise, to help us get the starport back online.”
Week 25 : 23 August 3304
Both starports saved. Eagle Eye transmitting a message indicating it is recalibrating, LHS 283 identified as a target by looking for Non Human Signal sources, the other target Valkups was only detected with hours to go.
Week 26 : 30 August 3304
Henry Dock in Valkups was attacked. This was expected as the target system was only found hours before the end of the week. Aegis ships jumped to LHS 304 and LTT 17868. Targets are Zavijah and Flech (second time Flech has been targeted).
This week was also notable for being the first week where attacked settlements The Sanctum and The Prophet were revealed by Eagle Eye (previous settlements had already been found). Also, the Canonn megaship The Gnosis was targeted as it proceeds towards the locked Cone Sector, another first as previously only the Aegis Megaships had been targeted.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | Not checked | |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | hyades sector aq-y d81 3 c |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | mel 22 sector jc-v d2-19 4 b |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | mel 22 sector kc-v d2-28 1 c |
Week 27 : 6 September 3304
Both Zavijah and Flech were attacked, as was The Gnosis. Loss of the normal targets was expected due to the lack of scouts in targets. The attack on The Gnosis was not predicted (normally targets without Thargoids are not attacked). Aegis ships jumped to Egeria and Chipatisany.
The Gnosis attack was part of the ongoing ‘Gnosis jumps into the Cone Sector’ storyline – explained as a misjump reported 7 SEP 3304 to Outotz ST-I d9-6 caused by Thargoid Interference. Several Eagle Eye signals this week pointed to a planet in the same system, and two new Barnacle Forests and an inactive Thargoid Structure were found. Barnacle forests are at 55.50 // -85.65 and 76.22 // -78.36.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | Not checked | |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | HIP 18909 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | HIP 19665 |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | HIP 20644 |
Week 28 : 13 September 3304
Walgal was attacked this week. Aegis ships jumped to CD-62 234 and Minmar. Targets this week were UGP 145 and Agastani.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | hip 21251 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | hip 20785 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | hip 20859 |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 29 : 20 September 3304
UGP 145 was attacked this week. One Aegis shipstayed in Minmar, the other jumped to LHS 1442. Targets this week were HR 784 and Argestes (third time Argestes has been targeted, though a different starport on this occasion). The wrecked megaship has the same designation as the one attacked last week in a different system. No Non Human Signal Sources in the system, but maybe the Hydra are nearby.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5- Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | mel 22 sector nx-u d2-31 3 a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | mel 22 sector mc-v d2-19 bc 1b |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | mel 22 sector mx u d2 14 ab 1aa |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 30 : 27 September 3304
No systems attacked this week, both successfully defended for the first time in a while. Aegis ships jumped to LHS 1599 and Michael Pantazis. Targets this week were Dalfur and HR1257 which have both been attacked before. The wrecked Lowell Class megaship has the same designation as the one attacked for the last two weeks, but Hydra remain in the Outotz BX-I c23-1 system (they have not moved with the wreck).
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | Mel 22 Sector YU-F b11-1 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | Mel 22 Sector OO-Q c5-6 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | Mel 22 Sector TT-R c4-2 |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Same as 3 |
Week 31 : 4 October 3304
No systems attacked this week, both successfully defended. Aegis ships jumped to Nauni and Bhal. Targets this week were LDS 883 and Otherni. Last week hydra returned to Celaeno, Merope and Maia, and when targets were looked at this week it seems they have started to appear in them too – including Bhal and Nauni.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | hip 22743 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | hip 16440 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | hip 20785 |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Same as 3 |
Week 32 : 11 October 3304
No systems attacked this week, both successfully defended. Aegis ships jumped to Ragapajo and Uzumo. Targets this week were Dulerce, Li Tzicnii and Kareco – first time with 3 target systems.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Same as Eagle Eye 4 | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | Same as Eagle Eye 5 | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | mel 22 sector jc-v d2-19 4b |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | aries dark region hr-w c1-1 8c |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | hip 16704 5a |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Same as 3 |
Week 33 : 18 October 3304
Li Tzicnii attacked this week. Aegis ships jumped to Zephyrus and HIP 36512. Targets this week were Gertrud, HIP 9141 and Nogambe.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Same as Eagle Eye 4 | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | aries dark region py-r b4-1 |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | aries dark region mx-u c2-8 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | aries dark region mx-u c2-10 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | Not checked | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Same as Eagle Eye 3 |
Week 34 : 25 October 3304
HIP 9141 attacked this week – it was only being attacked by Hydra so was unlikely to be saved. Aegis ships jumped to Ngaiawang and Opet. Targets this week were Wayutabal, Negrito and Iota Pictoris A – all seem to have a full range of signal sources. Also this was the first week with no targets in the Pleiades, all are in the bubble
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | No checked | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | mel 22 sector mc-v d2-19 bc 1b |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | hip 14909 2a |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | hip 22375 3a |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 35 : 1 November 3304
Wayutabal and Iota Pictoris A were attacked this week. Aegis ships jumped to Murus and Erh Lohra. Targets this week were CD-54 471, Ngaiawang and Brib. All other targets were back in the Pleiades, and all failed to provide an exact target – TL lit as expected for a target system, but did not point in a consistent direction.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | No checked | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | mel 22 sector is-s c4-6 abc 2 b |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | mel 22 sector jc-v d2-14 a 4 aa |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | mel 22 sector io-g b11-1 a |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 36 : 8 November 3304
Ngaiawang and Brib were attacked this week. Aegis ships jumped to Ulchs and MCC 572. Targets this week were Oraon, Dulerce and Thraskias. One of the Thargoid Structures returned no messages (usually they return two) – reasons for this are unclear. The target from this location (Oraon) was identified by CMDR Maligno finding the transmitter without help from the Thargoid Link.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | No checked | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | mel 22 sector jx-t c3-9 6a |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | mel 22 sector jc v d2 31 a 16 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | mel 22 sector io-g b11-1 a | No messages given by site |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 37 : 15 November 3304
Dulerce and Oraon were attacked this week. Aegis ships stayed in Ulchs and MCC 572. Targets this week were Ross 129, HR 3499 and LHS 6187. The three other signals were pointing to Thargoid Structures, two of which were active. These structures were checked in case of further message changes, but a sample two messages were unchanged. This is the first week so many Thargoid Structures have been targeted since the early weeks.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Same as Eagle Eye 4 | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | Not checked | |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | Not checked | |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | mel 22 sector ue-g b11-0 a2 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | mel 22 sector ut-r c4-4 1a |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | mel 22 sector wk-o c6-1 5c |
Week 38 : 22 November 3304
Goddard Hub in HR 3499 and Hooke Gateway in LHS 6187 were attacked this week. Aegis ships moved to Dao Kach and LP 214-26. Targets this week were Dhanhopi, Jambin, LHS 2524. The three other signals were pointing to Thargoid Structures, similar to last week, and included the first structure found. Dhanhopi targets Plucker Enterprise, second time an already attacked (still repairing) starport has been targeted, last time was Nauni.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | Not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | pleiades sector av-y c7 |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | pleiades sector bg-x c1-10 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | mel 22 sector zu-p c5-1 |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | Not checked | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | Not checked |
Week 39 : 29 November 3304
Chiang Prospect in Jambin was attacked attacked this week, the other two targets were saved. Aegis ships moved to Atroco and Byeru Bese. Targets this week were Atroco, Byeru Bese, and Lusonda. The Aegis ships are actually in two of the target systems, which is quite rare. Lusonda has been attacked (unsuccessfully) before.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | hip 14909 |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | hip 16704 |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | not checked | |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | not checked | |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | not checked | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | hip 18368 |
Week 40 : 6th December 3304
Garnier Station in Byeru Bese was attacked attacked this week, the other two targets were saved. Aegis ships moved to Ndandjimbo and Yukou. Targets this week were Punuri, 63 G. Capricorni and Oitbi. 63 G. Capricorni has been attacked (unsuccessfully) before. The three other targets were all Thargoid Structures this week.
Eagle Eye | Pointed to | Targets |
HIP 17692 A 3 – Eagle Eye 1 | not checked | |
HR 1185 A 5 – Eagle Eye 2 | mel 22 sector fm-v d2-38 a 3 a |
HIP 17892 1 a – Eagle Eye 3 | Mel 22 Sector FM-V D2-67 |
HIP 17225 A 5 – Eagle Eye 4 | mel 22 sector fh-u c3-9 a 1 a |
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 – Eagle Eye 5 | not checked | |
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 – Eagle Eye 6 | not checked |
Thanks to the following CMDRs who were instrumental in putting this information together : aguettinger, Annabella Terra, Dave Hedgehog, Ecthelion, factabulous, Jonuss, JohnTAss, Kal, Kaz Archer, Malic, Olivia Vespera, Redden Alt-Mer, Robbie, Sileo, Skaldorin, Vildu, Zaratan