Megaships are truly massive space-going vessels, often rivaling space stations in size, and can be found both within and outside of the bubble.
They can be divided into three broad categories: Generation Ships, which are separately listed; Flight Operations Carriers, which you can dock at; and Bulk Cruisers which you cannot. Bulk Cruiser mega ships can be identified by their class, of which there are often many examples. Known classes are:
- Alcatraz-class Reformatory
- Amaethon-class Cropper
- Aquarius-class Tanker
- Banner-class Hauler
- Beckett-class Researcher
- Bellmarsh-class Reformatory
- Bowman-class Researcher
- Collionson Class Asteroid Ship
- Demeter-class Cropper
- Dionysus-class Cropper
- Freedom-class Surveyor
- Gordon-class Hauler
- Henry-class Hauler
- Hercules-class Hauler
- Hogan-class Hauler
- James-class Hauler
- Lichfield-class Reformatory
- Lowell-class Researcher
- Naphtha-class Tanker
- Riker-class Reformatory
- Sagan-class Traveller
- Samson-class Hauler
- Sanchez-class Researcher
- Thomas-class Hauler
Bulk Cruisers are generally identified by a unique designation, such as CRV-900; but a select few are specially named instead. Both Generation Ships and Flight Operations Carriers are named.
While some megaships remain in one place at all times, most move between systems on a weekly basis following a Flight Operations Plan. For an overview of where the expected locations of these ships are, see Megaship Flight Operations.
Megaships appear on your Navigation Panel when your ship is within 1,000 Ls of them. Explorers are suggested to regularly check their Navigation Panel when traversing a system to perform surface scans, and report any strange signal sources, including Megaships.
Known Megaships