Background Lore Index

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Background Lore Index


In the galaxy of Elite Dangerous there are the Galnet News posts that give us insight into the world around us. In addition to the main story played out in front of us via those articles, Elite Dangerous has a rich background story that pilots can stumble across through various methods including trilateration through listening posts or just stumbling over them.

Canonn has collected as many of these background stories as possible but if we have missed any people let us know via our Discord and we’ll be happy to expand on this page.


  1. Ancient Probes
  2. Tourist Beacons
  3. Generation Ships
  4. Installations
  5. Listening Posts
  6. Megaships
  7. Settlements
  8. Ships
  9. SRVs
  10. Surface Sites
  11. Unknown

Ancient Probes

These ancient probes were launched by humanity long ago, becoming our first interstellar space craft. Today they remind us of our humble beginnings.

New HorizonsHumanity’s first mission to the dwarf planet Pluto. When this spacecraft launched, Pluto was still a full fledged planet
Voyager 1Long ago, this was NASA’s longest lived mission and was humanity’s first spacecraft to leave the solar system
Voyager 2This little probe was the first to directly measure the density and temperature of the interstellar plasma

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Tourist Beacons

Tourist Beacon: First Thargoid Contact - Lave

Tourist and Visitor Beacons can be discovered all across the galaxy, but they mostly found within the human inhabited bubble. These beacons tell the stories of commanders, some no longer with us, as well as the history and lore of the Elite Dangerous universe, and mark beautiful sites to visit.

Due to the number of beacons they will not be listed below, instead, please visit our Tourist and Visitor Beacons article. Image Credit: CMDR iMetal

Brooks Galactic Tours BeaconsA series of memorial beacons for the late Michael Brooks, to honour his memory amongst the stars
The Sanderlyn InterviewsJade Sanderlyn interview Navy Admirals from the Alliance, Empire and Federation

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Generation Ships

Generation Ship Achlys

Generation Ships are a particular class of Megaship, launched in the days before true FTL travel. They traversed the space between the stars at subluminal speeds, while their inhabitants were born, lived, procreated, and died onboard. This page details the list of known ships and they are listed below.

AchlysThe life support systems fail on the Achlys killing the passengers and crew. The ship AI then works to become sentient and is awaiting orders
ArtemisA passenger smuggled a dog on board the Artemis that was unfairly acuised of killing a bunch of people, unfortunately they got the wrong perp and there is a wolf amongst them
AtlasA malfunction onboard the Atlas means the ship is unable to stop. Chief Engineer Tom Edwards says goodbye to his partner Jean as he makes the ultimate sacrifice
DemeterA shortage of food onboard the Demeter leads to the passengers and crew splitting into warring tribal factions until only one, and then none, are left
EpimetheusSomething happened to the crew and passengers of the Epimetheus leaving the prisoner Joe Collins alone in his cell, and all that isolation leads him to hearing the whispers of the void
GolcondaThis odd example of a generation ship found with living crew kicked off a community goal which ended with the Federation building a new outpost for the crew
HyperionThe passengers of the Hyperion believe a child onboard, Zachariah, is the second coming leading to the death of Commander Jefferson and the death of everyone on board
LazarusThe Lazarus hit something in deep space causing it to become stranded until the worst happened
LycaonA strain of influenza ravages the Lycaon, or at least that’s what they thought it was until Dr. Munroe discovered its alien origin. After that, it was too late
OdysseusA mysterious sickness swept across the generation ship, sadly ending its mission
PhanesAfter failing to find an inhabitable planet the crew of the Phanes lie to the passengers, saying they are the last humans. The lie gets uncovered by Warrant Officer Noonan after Admiral Kerr slips up and chaos erupts
PhobosThe Phobos successfully made it to her destination and established multiple settlements that were attacked by local animal life
PleioneA mistake from the previous medical officer of the Pleione lead to only male births, leading to their extinction
Spear of HopeThe sudden appearance of a habitable planet led the crew and passengers of the Spear of Hope to abandon ship, but they forgot Technician Farrow who tried to get back to them
ThetisA digital signal from the communication array of the Thetis causes everyone to go crazy and kill each other
VenusianA pirate fleet boards the Venusian and despite Officer Gant’s efforts to defend the ship, XO Deacon’s betrayal seals their fate

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Istanu Unauthorized Installation in Istanu

Installations are orbital structures with various purposes and unlike starports and outposts they lack docking facilities. While some offer scenario missions or a location to use a hatch breaker limpet to obtain more cargo there are some that expand on the lore of Elite Dangerous.

Unfortunately, after shut down, the installation list I was using was no longer available. We’ve been attempting to get the data back and thanks to CMDR Column01 in the Canonn Discord, we have the below json file of all installations reported to EDDN to date (2024.02.06). We hope you find this useful. Image Credit: CMDR Chewcat1.

Communication Hub Zeta 12The tech officer aboard picks up what seems to be an organic signal from the Pleiades. Following the leads takes you to a Thargoid Structure
Halley TerminalThis installation holds the story of the Silver Comet, a short story in the “Tales From The Frontier”
Isinor Unauthorised Installation
Istanu Unauthorized InstallationScarlett gets into a slavers ring that traffics illegal goods through ignorant mules but unfortunately they find out she’s a cop
Janus Corp. Medical Research CenterDr Mitch and Officer Wyatt perform human experimentation and after a visit from Corporate, one of them (Tommy) escapes
Kappa Fornacis Unauthorized InstallationPart of a story between two rival Gangs
Karis Unnamed InstallationA pair get in over their head while trying to make some quick cash by repairing damages done by the “Pirate Lord Luca”
Panacea Medical CentreThis installation holds Salomé’s final words to her followers
Pirate CoveThe Pirate Cove was added for a section of the 2017 24 hour charity livestream as part of a segment where Dav followed clues, and is not known to have another purpose. 
Relay Station PSJ-17The logs of this installation lead to multiple other lore sites
San Tu Scientific InstallationPart of the Sol/Achenar/Gateway Numbers Beacon Mystery
Slough Unauthorized InstallationOther then a Type-9 Heavy named Jack Attack piloted by an Elite NPC Big Boo, this installation seems to have no other scientific interest
Squirrel’s Nest BarThe Squirrel’s Nest seems to be quite the raucous place with over a dozen scannable log entries

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Listening Posts

Listening post in Alpha Centauri

A large amount of lore can be found from the various listening posts scattered around in the black as detailed in listening post article. Some listening posts themselves are part of the lore and are shown in the table below.

Joy Senne ICE BeaconContains clip’s from the Joy Senne ICE-Cast with Heimar Borichev, discussing the Thargoid Advocacy Project and pro-peace sentiments.
Omega GridThe Imperial Emperor, Arissa Duval, was kidnapped but recovered thanks to cracking the Omega Grid
Memorial: CMDR GarakA Memorial dedicated to CMDR Garak
Memorial: Family is More than BloodA Memorial dedicated to CMDR Hirobadger
Memorial: Evelyn Faye RoyLocated 698 Ly from Colonia, is the system Evelyn’s Light with a Neutron Star as the primary star. Orbiting that star is a memorial to Evelyn Faye Roy
Memorial: for FlukA Memorial dedicated to Fluk.
Memorial: Pollux D568A Memorial dedicated to CMDR Tony Pox
Pilots’ MemorialsThese memorials are placed in 7 systems in human occupied space
Shamash Murder SignalPart of the 3309 Halloween mystery. The personnel of Garrett Orbital and Grey Swan go crazy and start killing each other due to some signal. Similar to the events of the Generation Ship Thetis
Teorge Listening PostsThese listening posts are tied to the Lady Kahina Loren, also known as Salomé
Unregistered Comms BeaconsUnregistered Comms Beacons have been found in many systems within the bubble and in deep space. The linked UCB page covers their locations

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James-class Bulk Cargo Ship SHI-599

There are a whole plethora of megaships in the Elite Dangerous. While the generation ship type of megaship is broken out separately, there are several different classes of “standard” megaship as detailed here. Most of them are non-dockable as shown here but some, like the rescue megaships are. The list below shows megaships connected to the lore. Image credit: CMDR Xeno Crimson.

AdamastorThe Azimuth Biochemical sistership of Hesperus found during the Halloween 3306 event
AK-302This megaship appears to have been attacked by pirates and the log holds the crew’s last message
ALF-895This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
AR-005This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
BTG-237This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
DedicantA megaship owned by the Order of the Far God, True Chapters sect. Onboard were teams of Federal Agents alongside the cultists and it seems the cultists called their friends to deal with the interlopers, maybe getting more than they bargained for
DFX-056This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
FGK-342This megaship appears to have been attacked by pirates and the log holds the crew’s last message
FPR-12This megaship appears to have been attacked by pirates and the log holds the crew’s last message
GCS SarasvatiThis megaship holds the story of Project Thunderchild, Project Equinox, and the return of the Thargoids as detailed by Cassandra Lockhart and Julilan Lyons
HDR-617This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
HesperusThe Azimuth Biochemical sistership of Adamastor was found by the Scriveners Clan
IPD-038This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
JJF-048This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
KS-92This megaship appears to have been attacked by pirates and the log holds the crew’s last message
KSL-878This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
NembA pirate attack left the Nemb adrift and the commander took drastic measures
OverlookA Black Flight megaship part of the Project Seraph storyline that came under attack from Thargoids
PandoraThe Pandora came under attack after detecting an unidentified signal on the surface of a nearby planet
PTK-179This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message
The Alexandria
The CeteThe crew of the Cete under Professor Melville went off to find more guardian ruins, but the Professor’s obsession with surpassing Ram Tah doomed them all
The KingfisherThe Kingfisher was humanity’s attempt to hold peace talks with the Thargoids after the detection of the Unknown Interstellar Anomalies (now known as Maelstroms), unfortunately it was destroyed
The ZuraraAfter performing their mission of marking Earth-like or terraformable worlds, the cargo crew onboard the Zurara snapped, killing the ship and themselves, stranding the rest of the crew. Tied to the Salomé story
Victoria’s SongA crew of the Victoria’s Song found something they shouldn’t have out in the Aries Dark Region and were silenced for it
Welcome DeviationA bookkeeper falls in love with the daughter, Erin, of the lead pirate, Norman, and tried to escape
WKS-559This megaship appears to have been attacked by pirates and the log holds the crew’s last message
ZIG-097This megaship appears to have been attacked by Thargoids and the log holds the crew’s last message

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Orion's Folly in Col 285 Sector UZ-O c6-9

Most of the background lore in Elite Dangerous comes from a variety of abandoned settlements scattered around the galaxy. These stories usually have sad endings but all of them build and deepen our understanding of the galaxy around us.

Almedia LandingINRA experimented with Thargoid drive technology here where engineer Effie Ratling was able to successfully developed a prototype based on their drive technology ending with the death of the test pilot
Betterton OutpostSuperintendent Callahan tries to quell widespread panic over reports of strange sightings and decides to evacuates the colony too late to save them from Thargoid attack
Botanical Research Station FNA-559Some researchers found some local flora that released spores into the environment resulting in the death of all involved
Carmichael PointThis site lured in Thargoids to try INRA’s new anti-xeno weapons and ended up facing a mothership that took them out
Colony SNB-86The operations officer of the site, Megan Riley, notices that there is something wrong with the air systems and what was originally thought to be a maintenance issue turned out to be something much worse
Columbus Expedition Camp 14After a rough start coming out of the jump into a meteor storm leads to a hopeful end and even a romance between crew members Woods and Symons
Comms Facility 89563Lieutenant Commander Hurst reaches out to Admirall McTieran about unidentified craft harassing civilian traffic, only to come face to face with it herself
Communication Array Delta 69J Bottone’s team finds an extra body that appears out of nowhere and then something causes them al to disappear
Conflux Alpha SiteThese logs show the beacons are being dropped around Earth-like words but otherwise the trip was uneventful for this crew
Conflux Beta SiteThis expedition gets pulled out of witch-space and starts to go a little stir crazy out in the void
Conflux Delta SiteThe crew of this voyage pushed their ship too hard and blew a hyperdrive initiator coil. They ended up getting pulled in by a neutron star and jettisoned the logs to war future explorers
Conflux Gamma SiteAfter dropping some beacons off in the black the crew had an otherwise uneventful trip
Crowther’s RestA memorial settlement for Kenneth Crowther
Dav’s HopeSeismic activity sealed the fate of this mining community. This is also one of the best processed material farming spots
Dixon DockStealing from Don Antonaci can lead to a significantly shortened lifespan
Dominic’s CornerSecretary Miller details an account of developing new weapons for Aegis and following a visit from Mr. Black encounters the aliens face to face
Exploration Camp JSPR-003Commander Norris and the team get lost, leaving the Habitation Engineer alone who then attempts too find them
Exploration Camp JSPR-003 (#2)Seems to be a copy of Exploration Camp JSPR-003
Exploration Camp C-NO4Maybe this lifeless world wasn’t so lifeless, maybe it still isn’t
Extraction Site HS-98An abandoned settlement found by a survey group who in turn succumb to whispers in the dark
Extraction Site V-81The miners find some kind of probe in their mine shaft and get silenced for it
Formidine Rift Alpha SiteAfter pushing the ship to a jump drive malfunction, the crew starts hearing voices in white-space
Formidine Rift Beta SiteAfter dropping off the last of the beacons the hyperdrive malfunctions leaving the crew stranded
Formidine Rift Delta SiteThe engineer of this crew unveils the beacons have an odd code called ‘Exodus’ in their BIOS but something took our her support ship leaving her stranded
Formidine Rift Gamma SiteThe crew detected a strange signal out in the void and started seeing strange lights during hyperspace and determines they are being watched
Fort AschThis facility was ran by Azimuth as part of Project Seraph that had to be abandoned following their withdraw due to an attack on a Federal convoy
Geological Survey 23BThis site, lead by Professor Penelope Carver, had the first contact with Thargoid technology rewriting history as it was known. Tied with the Adamastor story
Gregorys RestAfter seeing some lights, one of the team members (Hopkins) goes crazy and kills the rest of the crew and likely his Rescuers
Hawkins Gap Alpha SiteThe cargo seems to be a bunch of satellites but no one is allowed to go near them. Seems like the Hawking group is tied to the Formidine Rift group
Hawkins Gap Beta SiteNo one knows why they are on this expedition or who is paying for it, they are just doing what they are told
Hawkins Gap Delta SiteA fleet of Anacondas headed out into the black and deployed some artefacts out in Hawkin’s Gap
Hawkins Gap Gamma SiteAfter deploying some beacons the crew heard something they shouldn’t have and “accidents” happen
Herpin Research BaseThe crew of this research facility (including Paine, Peterson, Giordano, Scott, and Watts) find out too late they have been infected by a virus that turns them into dust as they sleep
Hogan DepotThis INRA facility acted as a transfer facility for the myciod used against the Thargoids, although they don’t seem to know what they were involved with
Hollis GatewayThe fungus that became mycoid was discovered here by a INRA junior researcher despite the chief researcher, Bexley Prince’s, reservation of how legit the finding was
Holloway Bioscience Research Facility 15Part of the Halloween 3307 event where spider-ike creatures attacked the original crew and those that came looking
Iraxon LaneThe story of the anti-Thargoid work done by Caleb Wycherley of Azimuth working with INRA and the finding of the mycoid fungus
Jackson EnterpriseIt seems the base was falling apart and poor leadership didn’t help the situation
Klatt EnterprisesLike Stack, this facility contains test pits where the mycoid agent was tested on the Thargoids to support INRA’s war effort
Lookout Military Test FacilityThis military facility came under attack by its own Skimmers
Mayes Chemical PlantJarah Cook gets replaced after asking too many questions about the production of the mycoid virus for INRA and her replacement, Elgii Sung, tries to meet the unrealistic deadlines
Medical Research Base BJI-86A team searching for new cures instead found an incredibly lethal compound that one member, Deresta, tried to make off with
Medical Research Base MIR-14Research into a mood inhibitor results in some subjects into killing machines and a researcher ends it all before it can spread
Oaken PointThe main base of Project Seraph and tied to the Commander Hyford story and the Overlook megaship. The experiments here had test subjects connect to Thargoid vessels in an attempt to control them. Lead by Professor Thomas Dorne, these unethical experiments saw some success with test subjects H-8 (who died later) and D-2 (who escaped and was later identified as Seo Jin-ae)
Orion’s FollyA navigation malfunction led the crew to be stranded on the wrong planet
Penal Colony BV-2259When delivering prisoners the inboard ship encountered some “alien” ship that seems to have followed it to the colony
Planet Dave OutputThe sad fate of Commander Robinson who fought to survive until the end
Quarantine Site UC-001An exploration team stumbles over a quarantined settlement that unfortunately ends up killing the team including Miller, Jackson, Lee, and Bailey
Rawat DepotAn otherwise unremarkable settlement except for a hidden message that shows they had an encounter with a Thargoid ships
Research Base KG-3362Agronomist Khan writes to her leadership about her study into nano-pesticides which calls in some unwanted attention, first spotted by the maintenance operator Old Hank
Research Base LV 87Professor Helen Buchard gets a hold of an alien probe and with the help of Professor Collin cuts open the probe leading to it calling for help
Research Facility 5592A non-human and non-natural signal results in the classification of Doctor Lewis’s work
Scrump LandingBarnabus Scrumpt writes his partner Jeremiah Slythe about a scrap deal and has an encounter with aliens
Serene HarbourTied to the Theta Seven story where a group of NMLA inmates broke out from this Imperial Penal Colony
Sharpe WorksGovernor Tanaka writes his wife about how happy his term is ending, only to have his settlement come under attack by alien ships days later
Site 16Mr. Leon and his corporation experiment on their crew by starving them
Site 94Chief Blair and his mining crew find an underground temple that seems to call for help
Site 426A couple of slave labourers including Huke, Stuart, and Thorn attempt to take over the site
StackAn INRA run facility where testing was done on the Thargoids to find their weakness. The site contains Thargoid holding pits with gruesome implications
Stuart RetreatThe INRA junior researched that discovered what became mycoid had a chance of conscience here after finding out what it was being used for
Taylor KeepThe story of how INRA pulled in Commander John Jameson to end the first Thargoid War
The Church of the PathA potentially bugged site only giving 4 messages but there are 5 hinted at and tied to a crashed Sidewinder in Alpha Centauri
The ProphetPaired with The Santum, this pair of settlements appear to have been run by the Far God cult and have been attacked by Thargoids. The logs detail the accounts of Kiona O’Connor (having second thoughts), Nash Severin (just loves destruction), Corinne de la Torre (bitter and vengeful), Noah Whiteleaf (environmentalist), and Nathan Summers (an inside Agent for the Federal Intelligence Agency)
The SanctumPaired with The Prophet, this pair of settlements appear to have been run by the Far God cult and have been attacked by Thargoids. The logs detail the accounts of Thaddeus MacRaith (true believer), Vanya Hargrave (true believer), Reuben Delgado (escaping pain), and Dr. Hester Dolmayne (true believer).
The TrialHalloween 3308 event about judgement and absolution, but maybe not in the typical sense. Takes you to Vardey Prospecting, Goddard Mill and Downey’s Junkyard.
Velasquez Medical Research CenterMedical Officer Kiona Li of INRA developed a vaccine for the mycoid agent here

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The Bifrost

In the vastness of space there is no shortage of crashed and abandoned ships, not all of them human. Note that these are persistent ship crashes. These stay across instances and time. It is possible to find crashed ships that are not persistent out in the black but since they are not constant they are not listed here.

Ariane’s PrideA crashed Type-9 Heavy with a happy ending
Belu Crashed ShipTied to the Unlisted Wreckage Site
Bug Killer Crashed AnacondaClark Barrow goes hunting for a non-human ship shutting down pilots and zooming off into the black, biting off more then he can chew
Charon Crashed ShipAn Anaconda crashed on this moon leaving no survivors. Beware that it is in a Trespass Zone
CMDR John Jameson Crashed Cobra MkIIIThis story tells the other side of the hero, John Jameson’s, story on his mission to end the first Thargoid War
Col 285 Sector OP- b9-0 Unnamed Crash SiteThis crash site seemed bugged and seems to be no longer available
Colonia Crash SiteA wreaked Type-9 Heavy known as Hyford’s Cache guarded by a Goliath in a trespass zone that contained the Unstable Data Core. As of August 3307 the UDC is gone as well as the trespass zone leading to a new message and new mysteries
Crashed Thargoid Scout #1A crashed Thargoid scout with some Thargoid materials around it
Crashed Thargoid Scout #2A crashed Thargoid scout with some Thargoid materials around it
Crashed Thargoid Scout #3A crashed Thargoid scout with some Thargoid materials around it
Crashed Thargoid Ship #1A crashed Thargoid interceptor with some Thargoid materials around it
Crashed Thargoid Ship #2A crashed Thargoid interceptor with some Thargoid materials around it
Crashed Thargoid Ship #3A crashed Thargoid interceptor with some Thargoid materials around it
Expedition Vessel OdysseusThe crew of this Anaconda tried everything they could to survive. Tied to Clark’s Rest and and SRV-Odysseus
HIP 14909 Distress CallAs of June 3306 the distress call no longer exists and it has been replaced by an Anomalous Signal containing a black box
Koli Discii Crashed ShipAn Anaconda carrying Brewer Corps and Caine Massey crates crashed on a moon leaving no survivors, tied to Gregorys Rest
Leucos Crashed ShipAn Anaconda carrying Brewer Corps and Caine Massey crates crashed on a moon leaving no survivors
LHS 2429 Crashed ShipA crashed Type-9 Heavy that is most notable as a source of legal Hafnium 178
Mercury Crashed Ship #1An Anaconda crashed on this planet leaving no survivors. Beware that it is in a Trespass Zone
Mercury Crashed Ship #2An Anaconda crashed on this planet leaving no survivors. Beware that it is in a Trespass Zone
Orrere Crashed ShipAn Anaconda carrying Brewer Corps and Caine Massey crates crashed on a moon leaving no survivors
Professor Carver’s Crashed SidewinderProfessor Carver attempted to escape from the Adamaster and directly tied with its story
ProteusAn Anaconda launched from the Hesperus after it was attached. Located and the currently only known Thargiod/Guardian battle site, on a planet containing signs of both species. Look for the Point of Interest AZB2/H002255/SC-01
Recon 6 Crash SiteIt seems this pilot saw a Thargoid Structure and tried to report it before crashing
Renet Crashed AnacondaA crashed Anaconda owned by some thieves. Did they get away with it or not? That’s up to you to decide.
Survey Vessel StargazerThe crashed Diamondback Explorer of Luca Rekivek who found something he wasn’t support to and paid the price
The BifrostA crashed Anaconda that tells the story of Captain Powell of Canonn and how he, Red Wizard, and Kyp Shard got temporarily stranded after trying to make bootleg liquor using an obelisk from an ancient ruin
Trading Vessel MD-001This pilot keeps crashing and has decided to give us a few tips to survive out there
Trading Vessel MD-002This pilot keeps crashing and has decided to give us a few tips to survive out there
Trading Vessel MD-003This pilot keeps crashing and has decided to give us a few tips to survive out there
Trading Vessel MD-004This pilot keeps crashing and has decided to give us a few tips to survive out there
Transport Lakon Baker Gamma Sierra HeavyA crashed ship added as an Easter Egg, revealing during a livestream with CMDR Dav
Transport Vessel SolomonThe pilot of the Solomon brought this Anaconda in for what turned out to be too hot of a landing
Unregistered DerelictAn abandoned Anaconda was found by a pair of salvagers, one named Janey, shows why you should always be careful when turning on the power

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34 Virginis Abandoned SRV

While not as common as crashed ships, there are a few wrecked SRVs laying around on various planets and moons. Note that these are persistent wrecked SRVs. These stay across instances and time. It is possible to find wrecked SRVs that are not persistent out in the black but since they are not constant they are not listed here.

34 Virginis Abandoned SRVA honeymoon gone wrong
44 k Virginis Abandoned SRVCheaters never prosper as Dom can tell you, if he was still alive
HIP 20556 Abandoned SRVThis site tells the story of Evans who liked doing barrel rolls in this SRV
SRV-OdysseusThe end of the Expedition Vessel Odysseus’s crew

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Surface Sites

Lazarus  Outpost on Wredguia RI-S d4-4

These sites are smaller then settlements so have been classified separately. Usually these sites contain nothing more then a few crates or boxes with maybe a transmitter or two.

Clark’s RestTied to the Expedition Vessel Odysseus and SRV-Odysseus where Clark passed away, buried by his friends
Colony Site BNI-87An old man refuses to give up his home to corporate progress and makes his final stand
KidnappedA woman gets kidnapped by cannibals including one Mr. Quince
Lost ExplorerA lost explorer established the small Lazarus Outpost and does their best to survive
Persephone ExpeditionThe end of a exploration team recorded by one of its members who bravely faced the inevitable and wouldn’t have changed it for the world
Pirate CacheSome pirates abandoned this cache of goods after fleeing the police
Transmitter VJS-81As this sleeper crazy or able to teleport? You be the judge
Unlisted Wreckage SiteLieutenant Stott infiltrates a gang finding it goes deeper then anyone could imagine
Winking Cat Caches 1-3The famous galactic theif, Winking Cat, left commanders an assortment of gifts around the bubble

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Not every mystery is yet solved, if it even can be.

Alvin DeeferThis mystery of Alvin Defeer and the Shady Lady has not been solved
Caucuma Unregistered Comms BeaconThere was no found accompanying article that uses this decryption key
Cobra SignalSome commanders have reported hearing an intermittent sound in the cockpits of ships and SRVs that, when viewed through a spectrogram, displays a shape reminiscent of a Cobra Mk3. Nothing conclusive has been found but it is being looked into as seen on the Canonn Discord.
Collionson Class Asteroid ShipThis asteroid ship is missing, do you know where it went?
DredgersThere are four known Dredger clans, each operating a Dredger megaship. The Scriveners Clan , Blue Viper Club Clan and Artificers Clan have been interacted with as part of the story but the Dredgers of the Phagos Clan were only ever seen in the Elite: Dangerous Horizon’s Beta. That said, where are they now?
Numbers StationsThe antennas of some stations (and even those without antennas) appear to be admitting a sound that, when viewed through the spectrogram, and display any and all letters and numbers 0 through 9. It is unknown what these could possibly mean as they have been viewed to not repeat and be different for two commanders in the same instance. It is being looked into by multiple entities but for Canonn’s part it can be found on the Canonn Discord.
Patreus DaysIt has been found that many, if not all, installations in the bubble emit a signal that, when viewed through a spectrogram, clearly spell out “SENATOR PATREUS YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED”. The signal is being looked at by others but brought to Canonn’s attension when the antennas on Fleet Carriers were found to display the second half of the signal (“(A)YS ARE NUMBERED”). It is unknown if this is a new signal or an old signal that was missed. For Canonn’s part, it can be found on the Canonn Discord.
RaxxlaLikely the greatest mystery in the entirety of Elite’s history, first appearing in the book The Alien World: A Complete Illustrated Guide (1980) and then in the novella, The Dark Wheel, packaged with the original Elite game (1984).

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